
  • Gede Agus Siswadi Universitas Gadjah Mada


Power Relations, Knowledge Construction, Indonesian Education, Michel Foucault


This research aims to analyse the role of power in the formation of knowledge construction in the educational environment, especially in the Indonesian education system, using Michel Foucault’s theoretical perspective. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a philosophical hermeneutic approach. This research highlights how power plays a key element in the process of knowledge construction in schools. Foucault’s concept of power is used to understand how educational institutions, through curriculum, rules, assessment, and institutional structures, influence the formation of knowledge received by students. The analysis in this study also highlights how political power, ideology and cultural values are reflected in the Indonesian education system, shaping certain narratives in curriculum and learning. In addition, this research also shows that power plays a significant role in the construction of knowledge in schools, with strong influence from external factors such as government policies, ideologies and cultural values. The implication is the need for critical reflection on the Indonesian education system, emphasising inclusivity, plurality of perspectives, and meeting the needs of diverse students to enrich knowledge construction in the curriculum and learning process.


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