RELASI PENDIDIK DENGAN PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PANDANGAN PAULO FREIRE (1921-1997) (Suatu Telaah Filosofis Sebagai Upaya Menghindari Praktik Kekerasan Simbolik dalam Dunia Pendidikan)


  • Gede Agus Siswadi Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Gadjah Mada


Kata Kunci:

Educators, Students, Symbolic Violence, Paulo Freire


The practice of symbolic violence in education occurs as an implication of the vertical relationship between students and educators. The stigma that teachers are subjects and students are objects has perpetuated this hierarchical relationship. Not only that, educators with some of their capital such as knowledge capital, symbolic capital, and other capital also contribute to the perpetuation of the dehumanized education system. Based on these problem’s, this research using a philosophical hermeneutic approach seeks to explain the relationship between educators and students in Paulo Freire's view. The results of this study indicate that bank-style education tends to give birth to a dehumanizing education system by placing teachers as subjects and students as objects. The bank-style education will have implications for the practice of symbolic violence that occurs in education, besides that student will become objects of oppression because they only follow the learning objectives that have been made by the teacher. Students' critical reasoning will be hampered. The relationship between teachers and students offered by Freire is dialogical, namely the position between teachers and students having an equal and equal position as subjects in the learning process. Removing the stigma of “teachers of a student” and “students of a teachers” will create a humanist and liberating education system.






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