
  • Niluh Ari Kusumawati Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Kadek Aria Prima Dewi PF UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar
  • Komang Dian Adi Purwadi UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar


Implementation, Maslow's Needs Theory, 2nd Century Learning


21st century learning is characterized by the very significant use of digital technology. 21st century learning is a more modern and innovative educational concept that focuses on developing the critical, creative and collaborative skills needed by students to succeed in today's digital and global era. 21st century learning emphasizes a more holistic and contextual approach, where students are considered as active learners who must be able to solve real-world problems and apply their knowledge in different situations. Maslow's theory of needs or also known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the most well-known psychological theories and is often used in educational contexts. Maslow's theory of needs in 21st century learning can help meet students' self-actualization needs through the development of critical, creative, and collaborative skills. In 21st century learning, students are given the opportunity to explore their interests and talents, learn from real experiences, and develop the skills they need to achieve their personal and professional goals. In this case, the 21st century learning approach emphasizes the development of interpersonal skills, such as the ability to communicate effectively, work together in teams, and develop healthy social relationships. This aligns with social needs and esteem in Maslow's theory of needs, in which individuals need positive relationships with others and recognition for their accomplishments. Maslow's theory of needs and 21st century learning has a close relationship in the educational context. By understanding students' basic needs and providing opportunities to develop the skills needed to succeed in today's digital and global era, education can help students reach their full potential and realize the self-actualization needs described in Maslow's theory of needs.


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