Merdeka Curriculum, “Merdeka Belajar”, Ki Hadjar DewantaraAbstract
Education is a means to achieve the goal of a better life. That is, through education, humans will realize the potential that is born in each individual. Thus, planning education today is preparing future generations. Thus, the importance of education in all aspects of human life. Therefore, careful educational planning is needed as well as forms of educational adjustment to current conditions. The most important thing to note in education is the curriculum that will affect the implementation of that education. Until now, education in Indonesia has undergone eleven curriculum changes. And now begins the enactment of the “Merdeka Curriculum”. Efforts to explore the philosophical meaning of this “Merdeka Curriculum” are the focus of this research. Through qualitative research methods with a philosophical hermeneutic approach, the results in this study indicate that the “Merdeka Curriculum” has the same principles as Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s view of education. This can be seen in the meaning of learning formulated by Ki Hadjar Dewantara with a “Merdeka Curriculum”, namely learning is an effort to cultivate all the natural potential possessed by students. So that the meaning of teaching is to guide students to be able to realize the uniqueness and natural nature of students. The role of students in this context is active and independent in the learning process, and the role of the teacher is as a guide, facilitator, and also motivator for students.
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