Analisis Filsafat Kebudayaan Cornelis Anthonie Van Peursen pada Tradisi Med-Medan di Banjar Kaja, Desa Adat Sesetan Kota Denpasar Bali


  • Gede Agus Siswadi Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Sartini Fakultas Filasafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Rr. Yudiswara Ayu Permatasari Fakultas Filasafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada



Med-Medan, Mythical, Ontological, Functional


The Med-Medan tradition is one of the unique traditions in Denpasar City. Historically, what was conveyed orally by the people in Banjar Kaja, could not be separated from the mythological world. Thus this tradition is very dominant with religious aspects. But on the other hand, with the evolution of the Med-Medan tradition, it has undergone transformation from its implementation and arrangement, and it is most visible when the Med-Medan tradition is used as a heritage. In search of data, this research used descriptive analysis method, which is with describing and analyzing datum that had been collected, and continued with critical analysis using the stages of cultural development from C. A. van Peursen. The results of this research are 1) at the mythical stage of the Med-Medan tradition was carried out because of desire the king, and because of the mysterious appearance of pigs. 2) at the ontological stage of this tradition as a form of embodiment sense of solidarity, relationship, care for each others (asah, asih, asuh) and the application of Tri Hita Karana concept. 3) at the functional stage of this tradition has undergone commodification with the emergence of the "Sesetan Heritage Omed-Omedan Festival".





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