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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Volume 2 No. 1 2024
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Volume 2 No. 1  2024
Published: 2024-06-30


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: Samā Jiva Jnānam
: 2 Issues Per Year (June & December)
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: Dr. Dewa Ketut Wisnawa, S.Sn., M.Ag
: Dharma Duta Faculty UHN IGB Sugriwa Denpasar


Samā Jiva Jnānam  or International Journal of Social Studies (IJOSS) is the official International journal of Dharma Duta Faculty State Hindu University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.

The journal publishes research papers in the fields of tourism, culture, law, communication studies, business, and informatics study. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences.

The journal also includes a research note section which is devoted to supporting scholarly research that is in progress. The journal has a well-established book review section that reflects academic and intellectual diversity. While IJOSS is the publication of a regional association, it attracts submissions from a wide range of countries.