
  • Wiworo Retnadi Rias Hayu Universitas Djuanda Bogor
  • Larasati Lintang Universitas Djuanda Bogor
  • Wilis Firmansyah Universitas Djuanda Bogor


Kurikulum Merdeka; Sekolah Dasar


 It is hoped that the Merdeka Belajar Program launched by the Minister of Education can be a solution to the problems that occur, especially in the section on setting orientation in educational goals. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the merdeka belajar curriculum for grade 4 in elementary schools. This research was conducted at SDN Batutulis 1 using a qualitative case study approach. Collecting data using observation techniques and also interviews. Respondents in this study were school principals, homeroom teachers for grades 4 A, B and C and 4 grade 4 students. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model which consisted of data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The validity of the data in this study uses source triangulation. In its readiness, SDN Batutulis 1 has followed the rules set before implementing the Merdeka Curriculum, namely; Interested in applying, the principal has learned about the merdeka curriculum, the school decides to try implementing it, fills out a short survey registration form. The results of the study explained that this activity had a positive impact on learning. Students feel they understand more about learning with the currently implemented curriculum. They feel learning is more focused on the focus of subjects that no longer use thematics. This can be realized because children are already learning in class, no longer online at home. The interaction between the teacher and the students in the class makes learning easier to understand.


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