
  • I Wayan Indra Praekanata


Philosophy of Education, Values, Pancasila Philosophy, Schools


Philosophy of Education is a branch of philosophy that specifically studies issues related to education. This understanding encompasses the exploration of the essence, goals, and values of education, as well as its connection to the processes of learning and teaching. Philosophy of Education also encompasses thoughts on curriculum, teaching methods, the roles of teachers, students, and educational institutions, as well as their relationships with society and the state. The perspective of educational philosophy and the implementation of the values of Pancasila within the school environment. Through a qualitative approach, this research will analyze how the philosophy of education influences the understanding and application of Pancasila values in the curriculum, teaching methods, and social interactions within schools. Furthermore, this study will also evaluate the extent to which the implementation of Pancasila values can support the formation of students' characters and prepare them to play a role as good citizens. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of educational theory and practice in Indonesia, as well as provide policy recommendations for relevant stakeholders to enhance the implementation of Pancasila values in schools.



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