
  • Hanandita Veda Saphira Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Setyo Admoko Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Nadi Suprapto Universitas Negeri Surabaya




Local Wisdom, Indegenous Science, Ogoh-Ogoh, Physics


One of the local wisdom that can be used for physics learning-media is Ogoh-Ogoh. Previous research, exploration of the value of Physics is limited to others local wisdom. Thus, the authors realized the need for further identification of ogoh-ogoh as the local culture of Hindus who are in Surabaya as a research topic, which aims to develop the learning-media of physics integrated local-wisdom in schools or people and analyze ethnoscience conception on Ogoh-Ogoh. This research is included the type of qualitative research using triangulation: interviews, indirect observations and literacy studies. Based on the results of analysis and discussion related to the concept of Physics in ogoh-ogoh culture, it can be known there is an application of physics concepts that are not realized by the perpetrators of Ogoh-Ogoh. Thus, a local wisdom Ogoh-Ogoh can be used as a medium of learning, especially in the field of Physics, one of which is to increase their science-Physics (Ethno-Physics) knowledge into more real scientific knowledge.


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