Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies <p><strong>Vidyottama Sanatana:</strong> International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies (pISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2550-0643</a> and eISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2550-0651</a>) publish by Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.</p> <p>Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies, particularly focuses on the Hindu Science and Religious Studies areas as follows: 1) Religious Education, 2) Religious Letters, 3) Theology, 4) Religious Philosophy, 5) Religious Cultural, and 6) Religion Science.</p> <p>Vidyottama Sanatana International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies is indexed by: DOAJ, Copernicus, Google Scholar, Moraref, Sinta, and accredited by The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em><strong>No: </strong></em><strong><em>10/E/KPT/2019</em></strong></a></p> en-US (Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Ananda, M.Ag.) (Ari Kumara Dewi) Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 THE ROLE OF COUNSELOR SARWE SUKHINAH BHAWANTU FOUNDATION GIVING HINDU MARRIAGE COUNSELING IN DENPASAR CITY <p><em>Marriage is an inner and outer bond fostered by the groom and the bride in the bond of husband and wife. Marriage is a manifestation of the seriousness of the purusa and pradhana in carrying out religious dharma, and state dharma in living life. Phenomenon in Denpasar City, many married couples register for divorce at the Denpasar District Court. True marriage is to gain happiness, but ends in divorce. This needs to get the attention of all parties to prevent divorce in the city of Denpasar. The presence of counselors at the Sarwe Sukhinah Bhawantu Foundation in providing counseling has helped prospective wedding couples to prepare themselves as well as possible. Counselors at the Sarwe Sukhinah Bhawantu Foundation have helped the people of Denpasar city in preventing problems regarding divorce by providing premarital counseling to teenage couples or prospective brides. In addition, counselors at the Sarwe Sukhinah Bhawantu Foundation also provide counseling in caring for marriages for couples who are already married.</em></p> Ida Ayu Aryani Kemenuh, I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana, Ida Bagus Gede Candrawan Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 CHARACTER VALUES OF INDEPENDENCE, HARD WORK, CREATIVITY, AND DEMOCRACY IN SERAT WEDATAMA <p><em>Rapid technological advancements facilitate human progress towards various objectives, but they also have a drawback, namely the emergence of instant culture. All things desire to be quick, simple, helpful, and satisfying. A culture that is averse to effort, care, and empathy will become hardworking due to this character. The life guidance derived from regional culture and beliefs must be rebuilt. A literary piece called Serat Wedatama, which takes the form of a macapat song, contains moral lessons. It is essential to continuously work towards fostering self-discipline, perseverance, creativity, independence, and democracy founded on sincerity, patience, and sincerity. It is possible to purify the heart and mind through selfless work, which affects behaviour that is not constrained by professional outcomes. An incentive to put in the extra effort will be a disciplined character that has become ingrained. Genuinely working hard and dedicating all of one's creations and emotions will yield satisfying results. The ability or self-intuition that generates creative ideas will awaken with sincere effort. A sense of self-confidence fostered by creative ideas can help someone become independent. Coexisting in various societal contexts is also a necessary component of independence. Humans must cooperate while putting mutual respect and appreciation first in order to establish democracy in a society with a variety of conditions and characters.</em></p> Sulastri, Nyoman Dantes, Relin D.E Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 THE SURVIVAL OF SRADHA BHAKTI AS A HINDU FORTIFICATION IN MENJING VILLAGE <p><em>Multiculturalism and pluralism stem from the development of people; nonetheless, human distinctions persist based on their patterns and ideas. Pancasila is the shield of Indonesia's culture, which is comprised of several tribes, ethnicities, and faiths bonded together by customs and culture. In the decades of the modern period, a lack of intercultural education, moral problems, and communal values have led to numerous cases. This study employs qualitative methodologies and descriptive qualitative analysis. The set of procedures includes data reduction, data presentation, data verification, and data interpretation. The contradictions in Menjing Village continue to be a political and ideological fight that undermines public trust.</em></p> <p><em>The strategies for sustaining sraddha bhakti in Menjing are enhancing social and religious capital via community empowerment, using the likelihood of the political society's processes, including the cultural factor as a rule for social and religious life, enhancing the structural dimension via the institution system, conducting programs for the advancement of religious education based on conservatism, the religious education system in Menjing, comprises components of religious education beliefs, religious practices in religious education, religious experience in religious education, religious knowledge as a means of bolstering the Hindu religious spirit, and religious education outcomes.</em></p> I Made Wirahadi Kusuma, I.B.G. Yudha Triguna, I Wayan Winaja Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 THE FUNCTION OF THE TOLOTANG TRADITIONAL LEADER'S HOUSE AS A MEDIA FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN THE HINDU COMMUNITY IN AMPARITA VILLAGE <p><em>The Tolotang Hindu community in Amparita Village is a traditional community whose life is still dominated by old customs. The majority of residents in Amparita Village adhere to Hinduism as a core belief from time to time until now. All lines of activities related to customs, traditions and religion are implemented and decided at the Tolotang Traditional Leader's house. The House of Tolotang Traditional Figures is one of the traditional traditional houses of the Bugis community as the residence of Tolotang Traditional Figures. Apart from being a place for traditional leaders and their families to live, this house also has another function as a place to resolve disputes or social conflicts that occur in society.The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The data sources used are primary data in the form of data obtained from observations, interviews and documentation, and secondary data in the form of relevant data related to the research. Determining informants using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data classification, data interpretation, and drawing conclusions. The theories used to dissect existing problems are structural functionalism theory, conflict resolution theory, and social integration theory.The function of the Tolotang Traditional Leader's house is as a media for resolution, namely conflict as a function as a medium for discussion, as a medium for negotiations, as a place of mediation, as a place of mediation, as a function to decide and resolve conflicts, and finally, as a function of protecting the community regarding all problems and issues that exist in the Tolotang community, both related to ceremonial activities. religion, traditions and customs as well as resolving social conflicts that occur in society. The conflict resolution process carried out at the Tolotang Traditional Leader's house consists of several stages or parts, namely starting with conflict analysis or problem analysis, deliberation involving both parties to unite their voices or opinions, after the deliberation process to reach a consensus, the process of taking action must be in accordance with the method or the path to resolving the conflict that has been determined, then building a joint agreement to implement the results of the decision, and finally the decision evaluation stage so that it can represent all the interests of the conflicting parties and provide a sense of fairness to all parties.</em></p> Ulio, I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana, I Nyoman Ananda Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 CULTURAL TOURISM IN INDONESIA: SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW <p><em>This systematic literature review, based on 33 studies from the Scopus database, explores the dynamic landscape of cultural tourism in Indonesia, a sector that plays a vital role in the country's socio-economic development. The analysis identifies several key antecedents affecting tourist experience and satisfaction, such as destination image and promotion, heritage preservation, crisis and disaster management, and local product promotion. Despite the wealth of research in the area, gaps and contradictions persist, making it challenging to develop a holistic understanding of the complex interplay of factors that influence revisit intention. This study addresses this concern by examining the potential moderating effects of contextual factors, such as destination type, tourist demographics, cultural background, seasonality, and technology, on the relationships between antecedents, mediators (tourist experience and satisfaction), and revisit intention. The review reveals that accounting for these contextual factors enhances our understanding of the intricacies involved in shaping tourists' decisions to revisit a destination, ultimately contributing to the sustainable growth of the tourism sector in Indonesia. By integrating these findings into tourism management and promotion strategies, stakeholders can better cater to the diverse needs and preferences of tourists, fostering increased satisfaction and repeat visitation.</em></p> Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta, Ida Ayu Kartika Maharani Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 HINDU RELIGIOUS LEARNING MODEL BASED ON ECOPEDAGOGIC <p><em>The ecopedagogic-based learning model is based on environmental principles and aspects such as nature, social, and culture. Ecopedagogic can be interpreted as an academic movement to awaken students to become individuals who have understanding, awareness, and life skills in harmony with the interests of nature conservation. This research is included in the type of qualitative research with a philosophical approach and a pedagogical approach. Data collection methods were carried out using interview techniques and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of this study reveal that the ecopedagogic approach in learning Hinduism is able to unite natural rights with human rights, providing the basis for the view that the environment and humans must respect each other and work together to maintain the balance of nature, and help increase environmental awareness also social responsibility. Ecopedagogic-based Hindu religious learning emphasizes the development of material that is not only limited to something that is textual but needs to be developed through a contextual approach, so the goal is that students can have concern for the environment. This is because the learning system outside the classroom gives students more experience and makes the learning process fun.</em></p> Ni Nengah Sudarsini Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOPAT WAR RITUAL IN BUILDING RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN LINGSAR WEST LOMBOK <p><em>Many local traditions in Indonesia imply collaboration between different groups. In the midst of a multicultural nation's life, collaborative practices between groups can be used as a force in efforts to build harmony and national integrity. The presence of radical groups in several regions of Indonesia can be used as a counterweight. The current value of moderation being put forward fits this practice perfectly. For example, the topat war, a joint ritual between Hindus and Muslims in Lombok, is a unique Indonesian tradition that can be used as a reference for the practice of moderation. They carry out activities together so that communication and collaboration occur in them. Even though their religion is different, the enthusiasm for doing the activity is very high. Here, the differences do not make them lose communication and instead the togetherness within them is able to build values of tolerance, respect and harmony with a life of moderation. Although in essence, this activity is aimed at fertility, as is their agrarian tradition, it contains a noble value that is full of a sense of acceptance of different beliefs..</em></p> Made Sumari Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 INTERNALIZATION OF HINDU CHARACTER VALUES IN PRADNYAN AND PURUSOTTAMA <p><em>This study examines a concept in the internalization of Hindu character values contained in the teachings of Pradnyan and Purusottama, as the main object, namely Hindu Man whose character is according to the concepts of Pradnyan and Purusottama teachings. This research uses qualitative data-based methods in the form of narrative text studies. The description of this study is the character values in the teachings of Pradnyan and Purusottama in the book Sarasamuccaya sloka (304-306), namely the character of Hindu humans: 1. Tan girang yan inalem, 2. Tan alara yan inida, 3. Tan kataman krodha, 4. Tan kataakenang sawacana, 5. Lasting dhiraning manah, 6. Taranggenangen dosaning len, 7. Tan saidakenang parapawada, 8. Guna rahayu kenget nira, 9. Apageh ri maryadanira, this concept is Nawa Purusottama, namely the nine main human traits in the Hindu concept that must be owned and implemented in social religious life.</em></p> Anak Agung Gde Krisna Paramita, Dewa Nyoman Arsana, Dewa Ayu Kade Linda Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 ACCOUNTING, CULTURE, AND HINDUISM: A NARRATIVE REVIEW <p><em>This research aims to analyze and understand the relationship between accounting and Balinese Hindu culture through a descriptive qualitative approach using the narrative review method. This research method is used to explore phenomena that occur in the context of Balinese Hindu culture with a focus on accounting practices. The results of data analysis show that the relationship between accounting and Balinese Hindu culture influences each other. Balinese Hindu culture that is rich with traditions, rites, and spiritual values has a significant impact on the accounting practices that exist within its society. Accounting practices in Balinese Hindu culture reflect the beliefs and values of the community, such as the concepts of justice, ethics, and social responsibility. The novelty of this research lies in providing a better understanding of the influence of Balinese Hindu culture on accounting practices, so that it can be used as a basis for the development of more contextualized and sustainable accounting theories and practices within the culture.</em></p> I Made Dwi Hita Darmawan, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Panji Tresna Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 THE ROLE OF HINDU RELIGION TEACHERS IN CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP THE EXISTENCE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION AT SD SARASWATI 6 DENPASAR <p><em>An exclusive attitude is a challenge for the plural and multicultural country of Indonesia. Overcoming these challenges, Hindu Religion teachers at Saraswati 6 Elementary School in Denpasar (SD Saraswati 6 Denpasar) play an active role in co-curricular activities to develop a moderate attitude in the school environment. This research then comes to identify specifically about the role of Hindu Religion teachers in co-curricular activities to develop the existence of religious moderation at SD Saraswati 6 Denpasar. This research uses qualitative research with a descriptive naturalistic approach. Through the use of primary and secondary data sources, data collection methods that use observation techniques, interviews, and literature studies, the results of this study indicate that, the role of Hindu Religion teachers in co-curricular activities leads to the utilization of flag ceremony activities, religious ceremonies, and guidance and counseling activities to foster moderate attitudes. The results of this study aim to guide other teachers and schools in developing the existence of religious moderation in the world of education.</em></p> I Dewa Gede Darma Permana Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 AUGUST COMTE'S PRINCIPAL COMPARATION WITH VEDANTA PHILOSOPHY <p><em>Philosophy is a process of conducting critical studies to acquire the truth and to know the quintessence of some particular things. An assortment of thoughts from various figures and schools emerged related to the efforts to achieve the truth. One of them is August Comte. In Hindu teachings, there are also various schools of philosophy, one of which is Vedanta philosophy. The purpose of writing this article is to attain a comparison of the main points of August Comte with Vedanta philosophy with the intention of obtaining a new perspective of knowledge. By using a qualitative descriptive method, a comparison is achieved. According to August Comte with his positivism school, valid knowledge is knowledge that comes from positive-scientific facts. Whereas according to Vedanta, the highest knowledge is the knowledge about Atman and Brahman. August Comte's positivism emphasizes surrender to society (outside); whereas according to Vedanta, surrender is done to God (Brahman) as the origin of the entire existing universe (inside). </em></p> Ayu Veronika Somawati Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 GAMELAN ANCAG-ANCAGAN IN ACI PANGILEN DEWA YADNYA: A Religious and Cultural Approach <p><em>The performance of Gamelan Ancag-ancagan in Aci Pangilen Dewa Yadnya in Kesiman shows the phenomenon of art in a unique and distinctive religious ritual. The struggle for aesthetic, mystical, and magical values in religious rituals that have the supreme dimension emphasizes the complexity of phenomena so that it is interesting to explore them in depth. This research prioritizes field studies by applying qualitative methods based on religious and cultural approaches. The results of this study indicate that the reasons underlying the performance of Gamelan Ancag-ancagan in Aci Pangilen Dewa Yadnya in Kesiman include ideological, magical-religious, aesthetic-religious, and sociological reasons. The form of the performance can be classified into two, namely the physical form as a sacred gamelan and the dynamic form as an accompaniment to religious rituals. The function of performance includes aesthetic, religious, and mystical function. The meaning of the performance is revealed from the specific symbols of this gamelan, namely the ancag-ancagan which symbolizes swadharma, the gegedig telu which symbolizes the Tri Loka, Tri Kona, and Tri Wisesa, and the laluangan which symbolize the movement back towards the Highest Reality. </em><em>The main finding of this study is that Gamelan Ancag-ancagan is a sacred gamelan typical of Kesiman which is only used for Aci Pangilen Dewa Yadnya, not for other religious rituals, let alone profane activities.</em></p> I Wayan Sukadana, Ida Bagus Gde Yudha Triguna, I Gusti Bagus Wirawan Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 PITULIKUR VILLAGE: THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMMUNITY OF ANCIENT BALI IN THE TRADITIONAL VILLAGE OF DUDA, SELAT SUB-DISTRICT, KARANGASEM DISTRICT <p><em>Pitulikur</em> Village is an ancient community social structure thought to have existed since the mid-17th century. The implementation of <em>aci</em> by <em>Pitulikur</em> Village experienced disharmony and was not satisfactory to the community of <em>Desa Adat Duda</em>. The method of writing is a qualitative description with primary and secondary data sources. The theories used are Structuration Theory and Functional Structural Theory. Factors causing disharmony are internal and external factors that disrupt the balance of energy in <em>sekala</em> and <em>niskala</em>. The role of <em>Pitulikur</em> Village based on <em>Awig-Awig Desa Adat Duda</em> is to organize <em>Aci Usaba Emping, Usaba Kapat, Usaba Bangket, Aci Mendak</em> at <em>Ulun Siwi Temple</em>, <em>Metabuhin</em>, and <em>Aci Usaba Dalem</em>. <em>Pitulikur</em> Village functions according to the concept of <em>Catur Lawa</em> and <em>Prasadam Bangun Urip</em>; namely, <em>Pasek</em> functions as a mass mobilizer in <em>prasadam</em> getting <em>puspusan</em> / feet. <em>Kebayan</em> functions to organize, manage resources. In <em>prasadam</em> get<em> polo</em>/brain. <em>Penyarikan</em> functions as secretary, in <em>prasadam</em> gets ikuh/tail. Members/Jro Desa get <em>prasadam</em> in addition to feet, brain, and tail. This research found that the existence of <em>Pitulikur</em> Village strengthens the organization of <em>aci </em>in <em>Desa Adat Duda</em>, because it gets the legality of authority both in <em>sekala</em> and <em>niskala</em> through the existence of sacred buildings of <em>Pasek, Kebayan,</em> and <em>Penyarikan</em> in the main mandala of <em>Pura Puseh</em> and <em>Pura Desa (Bale Agung)</em>. The organization of <em>aci</em> can be harmonious with the functioning of agil.</p> Ni Made Widiastuti, I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana, I Nyoman Subagia Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 CHARACTER EDUCATION BASED ON RELIGION AND LOCAL WISDOM <p><em>In the current context, character education holds great relevance in addressing the moral crisis affecting Indonesia. This crisis, often overlooked, is alarming and primarily involves the nation's children. It encompasses rising promiscuity, escalating violent behavior among children, student conflicts, plagiarism, drug abuse, and unresolved social issues, among others. Various stakeholders, including policymakers, religious leaders, medical professionals, educators, parents, and the general public, are deeply concerned about this decline in character. Thus, this study aims to investigate the character education conducted in Hindu-based educational institution. This qualitative study took place at Pasraman Gurukula in Bangli Regency, employing purposive sampling to select informants. Data collection methods included observation, interviews, and documentation, with subsequent data analysis involving collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion-drawing stages. Validation techniques encompassed source triangulation, time triangulation, and technical triangulation. Character education at Pasraman Gurukula is a collaborative effort involving teachers, community leaders, families, and the community, focusing on teamwork, abilities, honesty, and discipline. The education emphasizes religious and local wisdom-based values, fostering cooperation, nationalism, professionalism, integrity, and independence. Teachers play a pivotal role in instilling these values, contributing to the future well-being of children at Pasraman.</em></p> I Nyoman Sueca, Ni Wayan Arini, Ni Wayan Satri Adnyani Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100 A MATHEMATICAL STUDY IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON EARLY CHRONOGRAMS FROM CAMBODIA, VIETNAM AND INDONESIA <p><em>With four objectives, this paper conducts a mathematical study on the early chronograms from Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia in a historical perspective. First, the history and terminology of word-symbols from India to Southeast Asia is explored. This paper finds that the terms used for word-symbol in India are component-oriented while the term sengkala coined in Indonesia is application-oriented. Second, the reasons why the early chronogram-words have acquired the numerical-values they represent have been explored. Third, an insight is provided that the move, whether sinistral or dextral, used for writing word-symbol notation in India and chronogram in Southeast Asia had nothing to do with the maxim aṅkānāṃ vāmato gatiḥ. Fourth, two points from the paper written by Apsari, Sariyasa, Junaidi, Tyaningsih and Gunawan are commented on. This paper suggests that the mathematical ideas employed in writing the chronograms be recognized as a history of mathematics. It acknowledges that the use of chronograms can make the teaching of mathematics culturally relevant.</em></p> Dipak Jadhav Copyright (c) 2023 Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0100