Wawasan Kerukunan melalui Tri Hita Karana dalam Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik


  • I Made Sukma Muniksu Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
  • Ni Made Muliani Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar



Kata Kunci:

Harmony,, Tri Hita Karana,, Character


The role of the family is very important in fostering student’s understanding in religious
education including religious education with a view of harmony. Because parents and family
are the first and foremost education received by students. Not only friends with internal
religious students, but students must also be able to make friends with interfaith. Because
basically all religions in Indonesia want such harmony. Harmony can be achieved one of them
in Hinduism, namely the implementation of Tri Hita Karana. There are five values of the main
characters of students to instill insight into religious harmony derived from Pancasila, which
is a priority for the development of the PPK (Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter) movement,
namely religious, nationalist, integrity, independent and mutual cooperation. Each value does
not stand and develop individually, but interact with one another, develops dynamically and
forms personal wholeness. Tri Hita Karana's teachings teach students how to carry out their
obligations towards God, establish and maintain harmony with others (parents, teachers and
friends), and can maintain the natural environment as a sense of devotion to God. To implement
Tri Hita Karana, students must be equipped with reinforcement of character education in order
to achieve harmony.



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