Kata Kunci:
Video-assisted learning, Hindu religious education, Digital educatironAbstrak
Digital transformation is carried out to improve the quality of education and equitable access
to education. On the other hand, the character of generation Z and the development of
technology are very fast becoming challenges in education. Video-assisted learning in schools
is part of digital transformation in education that can motivate students to understand concepts.
Based on preliminary observations, SMP Negeri 2 Kahayan Hilir, Pulang Pisau district carried
out video-assisted Hindu religious education learning amid limited access to infrastructure and
access to technology. The conditions in this school are interesting to explore further to
understand the implementation of video-assisted Hindu religious education learning and
understand what are the obstacles and efforts made in learning Hindu religious education. This
study will be analyzed with cybernetic learning theory. The research method used is a
qualitative method to understand the meaning and condition of natural objects in the field.
Qualitative data is sourced from observations, interviews, and document studies. The data is
then reduced, presented and analyzed qualitatively to understand, explain, interpret, and look
for relationships among the data obtained, then draw conclusions and verify. The results
showed that video-assisted learning is easier for students to understand according to their
respective learning styles. In video-assisted learning, students focus more on the lesson. This
result is in accordance with cybernetic learning theory, namely the attention given by students
to the lesson will be easier to remember with different learning styles.