
  • Wayan Siskasari Universitas Hindu Indonesia Denpasar
  • I Wayan Winaja Universitas Hindu Indonesia Denpasar
  • I Nyoman Winyana Universitas Hindu Indonesia Denpasar


Kata Kunci:

Pelaksanaan Berjapa, Pendidikan Budhi Pekerti


The teachings of Hinduism as stated in the holy book Veda are a guide for Hindus to live a holy

life. However, along with advances in science and technology (IPTEK), Hindus have paid less

attention to the sacred teachings of the Vedas, Advances in science and technology in this era

of globalization have resulted in many changes in various aspects of life, both economic, social.

Chanting is a form of spiritual activity by chanting a mantra or God's name repeatedly, By

doing Japa, it is believed that you can eliminate mental impurities such as lust, anger, greed

and so on. So Sadu Gunawan is the one who shapes the child's personality into a Suputra child

with noble character. Based on the background above, there are three problem formulations

obtained, including: (1) Why is the implementation of chanting a strategy for forming Budhi

Character education at Prshanti Nilayam Vocational School, Kuta District, Badung Regency?

(2) How does the process of implementing chanting a strategy for forming Budhi Character

education at Prshanti Nilayam Vocational School, Kuta District, Badung Regency? (3) What

are the implications of the implementation of chanting a strategy for forming Budhi Character

education in religious practice at Prshanti Nilayam Vocational School, Kuta District, Badung

Regency? The theories used to analyze this problem formulation are: Constructivism theory,

Structural Functional theory, and Value theory. The subjects of this research were students of

Prshanti Nilayam Vocational School, Kuta District, Badung Regency. The methods used to

collect data are: observation method, interview method, literature study, and documentation

method. The data that has been collected is analyzed using a qualitative descriptive analysis

method with reduction steps, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results

show (1) The form of chanting has a multifunctional form and is very useful for improving

moral character and increasing sradha and devotional service towards Ida Sang Hyang Widhi

Wasa (God Almighty). (2) The process of implementing japa. Hindu religious teachers act as

coaches for students by applying the rules for chanting. The mantra used is the Vaikhari Japa

method, namely by using mantras including the Gayatri Mantra or Savitri Mantra, Pancaksara

Siva Mantra, and Saraswati Mantra. (3) There are implications of Hindu religious education

that is instilled through the implementation of Japa, including the growth of faith and devotion

towards Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the development of ethical values or behavior (morals),

the growth of an attitude of sacrifice (Yadnya), and there are also several implications for

Hindu religious teachers in teaching, namely being disciplined, efficient, honest, creative,

friendly, and compassionate.



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