
  • I Nyoman Alit Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar
  • Ni Wayan Arini UHN IGB Sugriwa Denpasar



Kata Kunci:

Human Cosmology, Lontar Anggastyaprana


Lontar is a traditional Balinese literary work that is quite popular in Hindu society both in Bali and outside Bali. Lontar or rontal contains noble values that can be used as guidelines in thinking, acting, and speaking by Hindus in Bali. One of the lontar that describes about cosmology, especially cosmology of human birth is Lontar Anggastyaprana. The text of Lontar Anggastyaprana is one of the Hindu literature in the form of lontar that contains the teachings of Shivaism that position Shiva has the highest position and is the origin of human creation (Bhuwana Alit) called Sang Hyang Siwatma.

The theory used to explore this problem is a structural theory, analyzing the structure of literary works can be done by identifying, analyzing, and describing the functions and relationships of the intrinsic physical elements concerned. The method used in this paper was a documentation study method that explains documentation is an activity of searching and gathering data about matters relating to research in the form of data collection techniques conducted by researching and analyzing various documents, namely the transcript of the Lontar Anggastyaprana.

The beginning of human birth (a baby) in Lontar Anggastyaprana begins with a description of how the process of fertilization to the formation of egg of Sang Hyang Antigajati. This process is the initial stage before the birth of a human/baby. The process of forming Sang Hyang Antigajati experienced a fairly long process. Hinduism in Bali especially, believes that at that time the baby was being guarded, cared for and maintained by the four siblings who were often called Khanda Pat Catur Sanak. Every human being has the four brother who guarded him while still in the form of a fetus in his mother's stomach, these four brothers protected him

Lontar Anggastyaprana explains the creation, maintenance and fusion that occurs in humans. The concept of human creation in Lontar Anggastyaprana is explained in two stages, namely the stage of the formation of Sang Hyang Antiga Jati and the stages of the formation of Sang Pratimajati. The maintenance process includes the concept of Four Kanda (four human brothers). The concept of human smelting in Lontar Anggastyaprana includes the concept of a holy script in the human body and the unification of Dasaksara becomes Ekaksara.




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