
  • I Wayan Kastana


Kata Kunci:

Dormitory Chess,, Catur Purusa Artha,, Chess Teacher


The concept of Dormitory Chess is the basis and foundation of everyone in living life in this
world. This Dormitory Chess concept is a guide in taking life on each level in the Dormitory
Chess teachings. Etymologically the word, Boarding Chess is derived from the Sanskrit
language that is the word “chess” which means four and “dormitory” means place or field.
So the boarding Chess is the four levels of place or condition of life that each person will pass
according to their abilities. How conceptually someone understands the purpose of this Dormitory Chess teaching that
should be passed well according to the level and age in the dormitory level that is being lived.
Of course every level of Dormitory in Dormitory Chess teachings has a goal to be achieved.
Do not let that goal be exchanged from each level of dormitory which is as harmonious as
possible in accordance with this teaching. If this happens, of course this is a deviation from the
teaching of boarding chess, because it is not appropriate from what is the goal with the reality
that occurs in life.
The deviations that occur to students that we see are, juvenile delinquency, brawls between
students, dating especially junior and senior high school, pregnancy outside marriage, violence
against children, a sense of honesty that is decreasing, drug abuse, free sex, degradation morals
and other mischief committed by students. This is where a common understanding of both the
students themselves, families, schools, governments, religious leaders and parties who handle
this is needed. Thus it is expected that these deviations can be reduced, if possible there will be
no more, especially among students in the present. If every goal of the life stages taught by the
boarding chess concept is understood properly and correctly, automatically the deviation of the
behavior will not or can be minimized.
So that the writer can conclude that the concept of boarding chess concept which is a foundation
for living life in this world must really be made the basis for behaving accordingly from the
level of life that we experience today. Especially in the Brahmacari dormitory whose emphasis
in understanding students must be really emphasized so that students know and understand the
duties and obligations as a Brahmacari.


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