The The Use of Peer-Correction to Improve Student Writing Skill at STMIK Stikom Indonesia


  • Trisnadewi UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar



writing, peer-correction, writing component


In the process of producing a writing in English, students certainly experience
difficulties since English is a foreign language as experienced by students of STMIK
STIKOM Indonesia. The preliminary observation showed that students have problem in
all components of writing and tends to repeat the same mistakes. To overcome these
problems, peer-correction techniques are implemented. This study was conducted to
improve students’ writing skill using peer-correction, find the most affected component of
writing and show students’ responses. There are three steps in this study including
pretest, implementation of peer-correction and post-test. Pre-test was conducted at the
beggining of the meeting with the aim of knowing the initial ability of students’ writing.
The implementation of peer-correction was conducted in two cycles which each cycle
including planning, implementation of action, observation and final reflection. Post test
was conducted in each cycle to determine the ability of students’ writing after
implementing peer-correction techniques. The result showed that the implementation of
peer-correction techniques was able to improve students’ writing skill in terms of content,
organization, vocabulary, language and mechanics in which content is the most affected.
Moreover, students showed positive response toward the implementation of peercorrection.



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