Learning Model, Project Based Learning, Hinduism.Abstract
Schools as one of the educational institutions have a role to always maintain the process of teaching and learning activities to be effective and sustainable. This process is a teacher-student, student-student interaction at the time of the teaching. The success of the process is influenced by the approach used during the teaching and learning process. This research was held at SMP Negeri 4 Tabanan. The object of this study is the benefits of the Project Based Learning learning model in Hindu learning. The data collection techniques that researchers use are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Project Based Learning Learning Model in Hindu Religious Subjects at SMP N 4 Tabanan was very effective to be applied. This can be seen from the project-based learning objectives, namely Improving the ability of students in solving project problems, Acquiring new knowledge and skills in learning, Making students more active in solving complex project problems with real product results, Developing and improving students' skills in managing materials or tools to complete tasks or projects, and Increase student collaboration, especially in group PjBL. From these learning objectives, in the learning process teachers and students cooperate with each other. The obstacles faced by teachers in the Use of Project Based Learning Learning Models in Hindu Religious Subjects at SMP N 4 Tabanan are that students are less active in responding to discussions, students lack ideas, and students lack confidence in expressing opinions, and students are less professional in doing assignments. Efforts were made to overcome obstacles to the use of Project Based Learning Learning Models in Hindu Religious Subjects at SMP N 4 Tabanan, namely: teachers as facilitators want to provide stimulus so that students are motivated to express opinions according to the problems solved. Teachers facilitate with problem illustrations and guides that can be used as references in learning so that students can explore brighter and more conceptual ideas. Teachers want to provide a stimulus so that students' motivation in expressing their opinions can be built and encouraged. The teacher wants to direct the student's focus to the problem being discussed.