Multicultural Education, Hindu Religious EducationAbstract
Multicultural education in Pulukan Village applies Tat Twan Asi teachings as values of daily life where in Pulukan Village there are two different religions namely Hindu and Islam. Related to Tat Twam Asi teaching on multicultural education in Pulukan Village aims to create a harmonious relationship with the people in Pulukan Village. The problems discussed were (1). What is the form of multicultural education in Pulukan Village, Pekutatan District, Jembrana Regency (2). What multicultural education values are there in the community of Pulukan Village, Pekutatan District, Jembrana Regency (3). What is the pattern of inheritance of multicultural education values in Pulukan Village, Pekutatan District, Jembrana Regency. This research was classified as qualitative research. Theories used to analyze the problem
formulation were (1) Multicultural Education theory by Parekh; a theory that helps to explore the first problem, (2) Value theory by Spranger and Koentjaraningrat; a theory that helps explore the second and third problems. Data obtained by methods of data collection, observation, interviews, study of literature and documentation. The data that had been collected was analyzed by descriptive method with steps of reduction, presentation of data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that (1). There were two forms of multiculturalism in Pulukan Village, namely isolationist multicultural and multicultural autonomous. (2). The multicultural education values found in Pulukan Village were religious values, artistic and cultural values, social values, tat twam asi values. (3). There were three patterns of inheriting multicultural education values in Pulukan Village, namely socialisation, enculturation and internalisation.