
  • Ni Putu Silvia Yuliandari Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
  • Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
  • Ferdinandus Nanduq Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar



Learning Yoga, Strengthening Sradha and Bhakti, Hindu Youth


At present spiritual learning is very instrumental in the lives of spiritual people as an important aspect that is able to provide spiritual health in improving mental health that comes from the teachings of God, spiritual is a need that needs to be realized amid the lives of modern society. The influence of the aging process can cause various problems both physically, mentally, socially economically and spiritually as well as changes in social roles in society. Based on this, the researcher is interested in exploring Laughing Yoga Learning to Strengthen Sradha and Hindu Youth Bhakti in the Badung Happy Movement Community. The issues to be discussed include (1) What is the Learning Process of Laughing Yoga for Strengthening Sradha and Hindu Youth Admissions in the Badung Happy Movement Community? (2) What are the Obstacles in Learning of Laughing Yoga to Strengthen Sradha and Hindu Youth Prayer in the Badung Happy Movement Community? (3) What is the Effort of the Happy Movement of the Badung Laughing Yoga Community to Strengthen Hindu Teenagers' Sradha and Bhakti? This study aims (1) to find out the process of Laughing Yoga Learning to strengthen sradha and Hindu youth devotion in the Badung Happy Movement Community. (2) To describe the obstacles in the process of implementing Laughter Yoga Learning to strengthen sradha and Hindu youth devotees in the Badung Happy Movement Community. (3) To analyze efforts to strengthen sradha and Hindu youth devotees at the Badung Happy Movement Community. The results obtained in a study entitled Laughing Yoga Learning to Improve Sradha and Hindu Youth Devotion in the Badung Happy Movement Community are (1) The process of laughing yoga learners in the Badung Happy Movement Community is divided into several stages, namely, the preparatory stages, then the preliminary stages, the core stage, Surya Namaskara and the closing stage. (2) Obstacles that occur in the Laughing Yoga learning process in the Badung Happy Movement Community are divided into two barriers namely internal factors and internal factors (3) The Badung Happy Movement Community's efforts in strengthening sradha and Bhakti Hindu youth. The efforts of the Badung Happy Movement Community in overcoming these obstacles are divided into four namely, making new innovations, doing exercises with youtube tutorials, looking for a new atmosphere, and always greeting participants so that participants always feel close to the trainer.


2022-09-08 — Updated on 2020-10-01


Abstract viewed = 147 times