Tradisi Ngejot Wujud Toleransi Umat Hindu dan Katolik di Tangeb Badung
DOI: Kunci:
ngejot tradition; tolerance.Abstrak
The results of this study shows that Ngejot tradition in Banjar Tangeb, Badung Regency has a very strong tolerance between Hindus and Catholics. The existence of the Ngejot tradition in Banjar Tangeb has a very significant function in the survival of a harmonious religion, between Hinduism and Catholicism. The tradition, which in this case serves as a forum for inter-religious harmony, is a meeting of two different cultures that has become the hallmark of the Tangeb community, namely tradition in the form of delivering food to neighbors of different religions. The approach used in this research is an anthropological approach. In this case, the Ngejot tradition is a tradition that refers to the concept of tali asih in Catholicism and the concept of Katwang Asih in Hinduism. In the Ngejot tradition, there is a communication process between the two religions that complement each other even though the form is without structure. Ngejot tradition is manifested in the form of delivering food to relatives and neighbors of different religions during major religious holidays, such as Galungan for Hindus or Christmas for Catholics. The diversity of Balinese society causes this tradition to emerge, as a result of the meeting between different Catholic and Hindu cultures that gave birth to the Ngejot tradition. Thus, the Ngejot tradition is able to create a harmonious and harmonious life between religions in their daily lives. Likewise, the Ngejot tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and is unique. Furthermore, based on the roles and functions in the Ngejot tradition, the author finds a relationship between the two different religions, Hinduism and Catholicism, so that they are able to realize mutual respect and mutual respect to achieve harmony in religious and social life.
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