
  • Mohd. Fadhlan Hidayatullah Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Riau
  • Fatmawati Moekaharb UNIVERSITAS ISLAM RIAU


quantitative content analysis, comments, Anies Baswedan, Instagram


Anies Baswedan's post about meeting the most famous street vendor in Palembang, Kak Andara tisu, posted on September 10th, 2023, received a high response from the public. This research aims to determine the brand image and sentiments seen from the comments column on the post on @aniesbaswedan Instagram account. Sentiments were analyzed using Stuart Hall's categorization, such as dominant and opposition, which looks at the frequency of positive and negative, which can then look at the brand image of the account owner.  A total sampling of 3,913 comments are collected.  The results found in this research showed there was high frequency category for the dominant category with a percentage of 63% and a total of 2,459 comments. The category with the second frequency is the opposition category, which received a percentage of 39% with a total of 151 comments. From the dominant category, on average, they gave comments believing that the post of Anies Baswedan meeting said street vendors were true and were not a set up by any party. So, many people praised and supported the actions taken by Anies Baswedan as a popular leader. Therefore, they have solidified their choice to support and elect Anies Baswedan as president in the 2024 election because they consider his image to be good


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How to Cite

Mohd. Fadhlan Hidayatullah, & Fatmawati Moekaharb. (2024). QUANTITATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS OF COMMENTS ON @aniesbaswedan’s POSTS ON INSTAGRAM. JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCCS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies), 1(02), 121–130. Retrieved from http://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/JKKB/article/view/4120
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