Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCCS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies) Journal Systems<p><strong>JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCCS: Journal of Cultural Communication</strong> <strong>Studies)</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah nasional yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Ilmu Komunikasi terkhusus lagi Ilmu Komunikasi Budaya dengan menyebarluaskan penelitian di berbagai bidang riset kajian Komunikasi budaya <br /><br /><strong>JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCSS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies) </strong> menerbitkan jurnal dua kali setahun pada bulan Mei dan Oktober.<br /><br /><strong>JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCSS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies)</strong> menyediakan akses gratis versi online untuk mendukung pertukaran pengetahuan kajian komuniksi budaya secara global dan riset kekinian</p> AND MEASUREMENT OF DIGITAL LITERACY LEVELS TOWARDS INDEPENDENT DIGITAL MEDIA LITERACY2024-11-06T14:58:03+08:00I Gede Suputra Agung Made Dewi Anggreni Sumadi Nengah Jati<p><em>This research aims to evaluate and measure the level of digital literacy among college atmosphere. This research took data from student in LPK Ganesha Indonesia during medium of 2024. It based on nine</em><em> elemen</em><em>ts of </em><em> </em><em>digital literacy concept</em><em>. </em><em>Digital literacy is important skill to use information technology in college and administration process. This research analyze the implementation of digital literacy in academic atmosphere by using </em><em>mixed methods </em><em>with approach to </em><em>an embedded concurrent </em><em>such as combine quantitative and qualitative method</em><em>. </em><em>Quantitative d</em><em>ata </em><em>obtained from survey to measure the level and qualitative </em><em>data </em><em>obtained from interview and </em><em>observa</em><em>tion about implementation digital literacy. </em><em> Analyze results show that most of student was in the medium to advance level with element of re-purposing content has the less value. This results indicated that student should be increase their skills to customization and effective using digital content. There are efforts to increase digital literacy in LPK, but still much room for further development. To recommended that digital literacy must be improve as teaching mechanism that integrated to curriculum. To improve and increase skills of digital literacy is very important to prepare student to get more benefits at the digital era in the future. </em><em> </em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCCS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies) PRESENCE OF NEW COMMUNICATION MEDIA HAS RESULTED IN CHANGES IN COMMUNICATION PATTERNS IN MODERN SOCIETY2024-11-05T12:26:20+08:00Dini Safitri Insani Qarimah Athaya Putri Naila<p><em>Communication is a process of conveying a message in which there are various components that complement each other, namely the presence of a communicator, the message itself that wants to be conveyed, and the existence of the communicant. As the modern era develops, communication can be done without having to meet face to face. Currently, there are various types of new communication media which help make it easier for everyone to communicate more effectively and efficiently.The passing of time gave rise to modern society,where there was a change from a traditional society to a more advanced society in all aspects.By conducting this research, the aim is to find out whether the existence of the very diverse new communication media currently can provide convenience in conveying messages to other people. This research uses qualitative methods. By using qualitative methods, the results of this research are presented in the form of in-depth descriptions of words. The research findings obtained are that the presence of new communication media is very beneficial to all parties because it can convey messages more easily and quickly.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCCS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies) CONTENT ANALYSIS OF COMMENTS ON @aniesbaswedan's POSTS ON INSTAGRAM2024-11-06T04:16:58+08:00Mohd. Fadhlan Hidayatullah Moekaharb<p><em>Anies Baswedan's post about meeting the most famous street vendor in Palembang, Kak Andara tisu, posted on September 10th, 2023, received a high response from the public. This research aims to determine the brand image and sentiments seen from the comments column on the post on @aniesbaswedan Instagram account. Sentiments were analyzed using Stuart Hall's categorization, such as dominant and opposition, which looks at the frequency of positive and negative, which can then look at the brand image of the account owner. A total sampling of 3,913 comments are collected. The results found in this research showed there was high frequency category for the dominant category with a percentage of 63% and a total of 2,459 comments. The category with the second frequency is the opposition category, which received a percentage of 39% with a total of 151 comments. From the dominant category, on average, they gave comments believing that the post of Anies Baswedan meeting said street vendors were true and were not a set up by any party. So, many people praised and supported the actions taken by Anies Baswedan as a popular leader. Therefore, they have solidified their choice to support and elect Anies Baswedan as president in the 2024 election because they consider his image to be good</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JKKB: Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Budaya (JCCS: Journal of Cultural Communication Studies)