DOI: Kunci:
Flexing behavior; Hindu ethics; Sapta TimiraAbstrak
This study analyzes flexing behavior in Instagram users which is widely used by all circles. This flexing behavior is a phenomenon that appears in line with the growing times. This research is studied using the Hindu ethical perspective of Sapta Timira which is the seven darknesses that make people fall into darkness so that they can easily forget about themselves, and where they came from. The data of this study were obtained by observation, interview and literature methods. Furthermore, the philosophical hermeneutics method is used to analyze all the data that has been collected and studied in more depth with the perspective of Hindu ethics, Sapta Timira. Looking for the relationship between flexing behavior on Instagram users and Hindu ethics, especially the teachings of Sapta Timira who is a supporter of flexing behavior. When in the dark, flexing behavior can occur. This study concludes that 3 out of 9 informants tolerate the act of flexing. The other 6 consider that the current use of Instagram media is not wise enough. Instagram is intended to facilitate information & communication. But nowadays there are many negative impacts that occur. Digital social media becomes a place to show off. Of the many teachings of Hindu ethics, what describes the current condition of society, especially teenagers, is the teaching of Sapta Timira, which means that seven darknesses make humans forget themselves. It is hoped that this research can help people understand flexing behavior considering that currently references related to flexing behavior are still minimal.