Strategi Pemasaran Produk Café Batu Jimbar Sanur dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan


  • Ni Kadek Dwi Kristina Aryani Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
  • I Gede Sutarya Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
  • Putu Kussa Laksana Utama Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar



Product cafe, Marketing strategy, Tourist Perception


Based on this research, Café Batu Jimbar has a pretty good potential but tourists visiting
the Café Batu Jimbar are still not optimal because of the intense competition in the
culinary field, so that Café Batu Jimbar should be able to face competition by making
superior product marketing strategies. So, this research aims to determine the
marketing strategy of Café Batu Jimbar Sanur product in increasing tourist visits. The
method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive
methods using descriptive analysis or descriptive statistics. Data collected through
observation, interviews, questionnaires, literature study, and documentation. Then the
data were analyzed using IFAS and EFAS matrix analysis and SWOT analysis. The
results of this study indicate that the products offered at the Café Batu Jimbar are quite diverse, the product marketing strategy used by the Café Batu Jimbar has disadvantages such as the products offered more to foreign tourists, besides that the strengths of Café
Batu Jimbar have cooperation with the travel agent so that it helps in increasing tourist visits, as well as unfavorable tourist perceptions of the relatively expensive prices of food and beverage products. Therefore, the marketing strategy of Café Batu Jimbar
Sanur products in increasing tourist visits is recommended using alternative strategies that have been formulated in this research.


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How to Cite

Ni Kadek Dwi Kristina Aryani, I Gede Sutarya, & Putu Kussa Laksana Utama. (2019). Strategi Pemasaran Produk Café Batu Jimbar Sanur dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan. PARIWISATA BUDAYA: JURNAL ILMIAH PARIWISATA AGAMA DAN BUDAYA, 4(2), 1–8.



Volume 4 Nomor 2
Abstract viewed = 78 times