Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
<p>Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra dengan ISSN Cetak 1979-634X (SK no. 0005.55/Jl.3.02/SK.ISSN/2008.09 - 26 September 2008 (mulai edisi 26 September 2008)) dan ISSN Online 2686-0252 (SK no. 0005.26860252/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2019.08 - 29 Agustus 2019 (mulai edisi Vol. 9, No. 2, September 2019) yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar memiliki misi menghidupkan dan mengoptimalkan kesadaran keindahan ilmu pengetahuan yang ada dalam diri setiap orang. Maka dengan kesadaran tersebut akan membuat setiap insan tergerak untuk terus menimba, menambah dan memperdalam pengetahuan demi kemajuan dan peningkatan kualitas SDM kampus. Keindahan ilmu pengetahuan akan membuka sisi estetika dan kelembutan menuju manusia yang ramah, rendah hati, jujur dan terbuka.</p>Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasaren-USKalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra1979-634XGENDING NYAPA MANDA TENGAHING DALU KETIKA UPACARA DALEM PINGIT DESA ADAT KINTAMANI SEBAGAI MEDIA PELESTARIAN BAHASA BALI
<p>Kintamani Traditional Village as a Bali Mula Village has a unique culture, one of which is in the form of literature, namely Gending Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu which is classified as an oral tradition. This gending is sung once every year as an accompaniment to the Dewa Yadnya ceremony. This gending can also be used as a means of maintaining the Balinese language, one way is to learn the language in the gending. Therefore, the existence of Gending Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu is still maintained today amidst the progress of the times. This indicates that there is a teaching method or process that is used to preserve it. In this research, there are three problem formulations that briefly address the issue of how is the existence, meaning and procedure for preserving the Gending Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu Ri Kala Karya Dalem Pingit, Kintamani Traditional Village? This research aims to describe the existence, meaning and procedures for preserving the Gending Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu Ri Kala Karya Dalem Pingit, Kintamani Traditional Village. The theories used are structuralism theory, semiotic theory, and functionalism theory. The approach used is qualitative with an ex post facto type of research. Data was obtained using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The results of this research are the existence of the Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu gending during the Dalem Pingit Ceremony of the Kintamani Traditional Village, which consists of the history of the gending, the lyrics of the gending, the complementary infrastructure for the gending, the place and time of the gending. The meaning content in the Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu gending is; (1) religious meaning, (2) social meaning, (3) meaning of cultural preservation, (4) meaning as a means of preserving the Balinese language, (5) meaning of entertainment. The procedure for preserving the Nyapa Manda Tengahing Dalu gending is through teaching methods, namely (1) direct method, (2) reading method, (3) audiolingual method, (4) imitation method.</p>Ni Luh Rista Dewi
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
2024-10-102024-10-1012413410.25078/kalangwan.vi.4098SEKSUAL DAN HARMONISASI RUMAH TANGGA DALAM LONTAR RAHASYA SANGGAMA
<p><strong><em>This study examines the sexual and household harmony teachings contained in the Lontar Rahasya Sangama, an ancient text in the Balinese literary tradition. This lontar provides ethical and spiritual guidance on how husband and wife relationships can be built and maintained based on a balance between physical and spiritual aspects. Through a qualitative approach with descriptive-analytical methods, this study reveals the symbolic meaning and values contained in the teachings, as well as their relevance in modern household life. The results show that Rahasya Sangama not only emphasizes the importance of sexual relations as a form of fulfilling biological needs, but also as a means to achieve harmony in family life. Husband and wife relationships are seen as a form of yoga or union that reflects the balance between masculine and feminine elements in the universe. This study also found that the teachings in Rahasya Sangama have strong relevance in the context of modern life, especially in efforts to maintain household stability and well-being amidst rapid social change. Thus, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how Balinese cultural and spiritual values can be applied in everyday life, as well as providing insight into the importance of preserving local wisdom in facing the challenges of globalization.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywoard: Rahasya Sanggama Palm Leaf, Sexuality, Household Harmony, Balinese Culture</em></strong></p>Pande Gede Brahmandika
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
2024-10-102024-10-1016517510.25078/kalangwan.vi.4021ADAPTASI MATERI BUKU PELAJARAN BAHASA BALI KELAS XII SMA/SMK
<p><strong><em>This study examines the adaptation of teaching materials in the Balinese language book for grade XII, especially related to learning Anggah-Ungguhing Basa Bali. The dialogue texts in the book initially displayed conversations that only used Balinese kepara (general) between friends, without displaying the language levels that are important in learning anggah-ungguhing. Therefore, material adaptation was carried out by replacing the dialogue text and adding dialogues that contain various levels of Balinese, both alus language and kepara language. This adaptation aims to improve students' language skills by presenting texts that are more complex than their current level of knowledge. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with content analysis. The results of the adaptation show that students can understand the differences in language levels through role-playing and watching learning videos related to anggah-ungguhing Basa Bali, so that learning becomes more effective and interactive. Evaluation is carried out to measure the effectiveness of the adaptation through practice questions and observation of student participation in class.</em></strong></p>Kadek Ambarwati
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
<p>Kakawin Ramayana is one of Old Javanese poetry. Sita is the central female character in the Kakawin Ramayana. Her position as a woman was marginalized when her chastity was doubted by her husband Rama. <em>Masatya</em> (plunging into the fire) was used as a way for Sita to proved to Rama that she was holy. Phenomenon of <em>masatya</em> in the Kakawin Ramayana was researched using qualitative methods and analyzed using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Theory which includes: text dimensions (microstructural), discourse practice (mesostructural), and sociocultural practice (macrostructural).</p>Ni Made Ari Dwijayanthi
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
<p><em>Balinese, as a regional language that isrich in culture and history,has an important role in maintaining the identity and cultural heritage of the Balinese people. However, rapid globalization and modernization threaten the sustainability of the Balinese language, especially in the realm of education. Based on PERDA No. 1 of 2018, Balinese Literary Language and Script are cultural heritage that must be preserved. Unfortunately, the use of Balinese is declining, especially in daily communication. Balinese language lessonsin schools are very importantto ensure the continuity of this language. However, there are various challenges, especially the lack of teachers who are competent in teachingBalinese, especially in remote areas. Non-specialist teachers who do not have the appropriate educational background are often relied on to teachBalinese, which results in difficulties in the learning process. This research aims to explore the challenges faced by non-specialist teachersin teaching Balinese at SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar, as well asthe strategiesthey use to overcome these challenges. The theories used in this researchare behaviorism and constructivism, which are relevant in understandingthe dynamics of teaching and learning. The method used is descriptive qualitative, which allows researchers to get an in-depth picture of the subjective experiences of teachers. Data was collected through observation, interviews and field documentation. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide better insight into how to improve thequality of Balinese language teaching in schools, as well as provide practical strategies for overcoming the lack of human resources in the field of Balinese language education.</em></p>Putu Diah Conchita Dewi
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
2024-10-102024-10-1013514410.25078/kalangwan.vi.4085EKOLOGI SASTRA DALAM MITOS PANASTAN DI DESA ADAT PENESTANAN UBUD
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>This research, entitled "Literary Ecology in the Panastan Myth of the Penestanan Traditional Village Ubud", describes the elements of environmental wisdom and the value of ecological awareness of the Panastan myth. The theories used are literary ecological theory and function theory. The data were collected through observation and interviews, described qualitatively, and presented informally. The Panastan myth contains a pastoral narrative which consists of elements of arcadia construction and elements of retreat and return. In terms of apocalyptic narratives, it can be seen from the elements of hero characters, elements of apocalyptic environments, and elements of vision or prophecy. Meanwhile, using the ethical study model, it was found that there is an attitude of respect and concern for nature, of moral responsibility, solidarity, and love. The myth has been believed to help the maintenance of harmony between the local people and the natural environment.</em></strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Keywords: Myth, Panastan, and Literary Ecology.</em></strong></p>I Made Dian SaputraMade Iwan Indrawan JendraPutu Intan Adelia Ananda PutriNi Ketut Tirta Kartika Sari
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
2024-10-102024-10-109210510.25078/kalangwan.vi.4059PERLUASAN FRASE DALAM CERPEN DAGANG CANANG
<p><em>Linguistics is the study of language. Balinese is the language used by Balinese people to communicate. Language is also used in pouring a sense of human art such as making a literary work. This study examines the use of grammar in a literary work. The object of research is phrases. A phrase is a construction built by constituents with various categories or classes of words. There are many variations that will be formed in a phrase. As a research subject, we use a short story entitled Dagang Canang. Based on data analysis, the expansion of Balinese phrases in the short story Dagang Canang includes: Noun phrase to the left Conj+N+N, Adj+N, Adj+N+N, Adv+N+N. Noun phrases to the right N+Adverb, N+N+Adj, N+Num, N+Adj. The noun phrases to the left and right have the pattern Verb+N+Num. Verbal phrases to the left Conj+V, Adverb+V, N+V, Pronomia+V. Verbal phrases to the right V+N, V+Pronouns. Verbal phrases to the left and right N+Verb+Adverb.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p> </p>I Wayan Adi Upadana
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
<p><em>This research explores the application of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model in learning to read Balinese script at SMA Dharma Praja Denpasar. The TPS model is designed to increase interaction between students, which can be seen from students' active participation and enjoyment when discussing with their friends. This research focuses on three main aspects: (1) Implementation of the TPS model by teachers in learning to read Balinese script; (2) Obstacles faced by students in understanding Balinese script and the teacher's efforts to overcome them; (3) Results from the application of the TPS model in improving Balinese script reading skills in class XI IPS 1. Data was collected through observation and analyzed qualitatively using behavioristic and constructivist theories. Research findings show that the use of the TPS model can facilitate students in understanding Balinese script, although there are still obstacles in understanding the rules of Balinese script literature. To overcome these obstacles, the efforts made included intensive learning regarding the rules and forms of Balinese script and script hangings. This research emphasizes the importance of understanding Balinese script as a vital means of preserving Balinese culture.</em></p>Ni Kadek Mira Sugiarti
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
<p><strong><em>SMA Dharma Praja Denpasar has recently implemented the Independent Curriculum, using the differentiation method in Balinese language learning. Tomlinson (2001) defines differentiated learning as adapting classroom processes to meet individual student needs. This research examines three key areas: (1) how the differentiation method is implemented; (2) challenges and efforts made by teachers; (3) the impact of this method. Theories used include behaviorism and constructivism. Data was collected through observation, interviews, literature, and documents, and analyzed using data reduction, presentation, and conclusion methods. The findings are: (1) Teachers implement differentiation by grouping students based on their learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic); (2) Challenges include limited teacher knowledge, time constraints, and the perception of Balinese as a foreign language. Teachers address these by self-studying, providing extra time for students, and frequently using the method. (3) The differentiation method positively impacts student engagement, enthusiasm, and motivation.</em></strong></p>Ni Putu Christina Bintang Utari
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
<p><em>The aim of education is to increase the nation's knowledge and form Indonesian people who are religious, knowledgeable, moral and have good skills. Balinese language education cannot be separated from global culture. Learning that includes Balinese culture such as script, spoken language and Balinese literature is very important to preserve Balinese culture. Balinese, as one of the regional languages in Indonesia, is often not used enough in everyday life, especially in urban areas. The Balinese script, which was adapted from the Javanese script, has an important role in Balinese culture and is used in various contexts, including writing regular Balinese, kawi language, and mantras. Learning Balinese includes four main skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. One important skill is reading Balinese script. Based on observations, the peer tutoring method is effective in increasing students' interest and ability in reading Balinese script. This research was carried out at SMP Negeri 3 Abiansemal in class VII F and showed that students were able to read Balinese script well after using the peer tutoring method. These results show the importance of the peer tutoring method in learning to read Balinese script to preserve Balinese language, literature and script. Thus, implementing this method can increase students' knowledge and skills in learning Balinese script. Apart from that, the peer tutoring method can also increase the sense of togetherness and cooperation between students, thereby creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. The implementation of this method must be continuously monitored and evaluated to ensure its effectiveness in the long term.</em></p>I Gusti Ayu Ratna Dewi
Copyright (c) 2024 Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra