JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr <p>Jurnal Penalaran dan Riset merupakan jurnal ilmiah nasional yang bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah khusus terkait penalaran dan riset dari berbagai bidang keilmuan, multidisipliner dan multimetodologi dalam konteks kontemporer. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh UKM Penalaran dan Riset Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar</p> en-US ayubadra65@gmail.com (Ni Luh Ayu Badra Purwa) ukmpr.uhnsugriwa@gmail.com (I Gusti Agung Istri Agung Mas Arawinda Ningrat) Sat, 24 Dec 2022 14:04:56 +0100 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 MENANGKAL POTENSI RADIKALISME DALAM BERAGAMA PADA REMAJA: PERSPEKTIF AGAMA HINDU https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/990 <p>Dengan populasi penduduk terbanyak keempat di dunia, tercatat pada tahun <br />2020 jumlah penduduk Indonesia mencapai angka 270 juta jiwa. Dalam kepadatan <br />jumlah penduduk tersebut, Indonesia juga dikenal sebagai negara yang majemuk <br />karena beragam perbedaan yang dimilikinya. Salah satu hal yang terdapat dalam <br />ruang perbedaan tersebut adalah agama. Oleh karena kemajemukannya dalam <br />agama, Indonesia menyandang julukan sebagai “The Meetings Place of World <br />Religions” kendati dalam konsep dasar setiap agama adalah untuk mengajarkan <br />nilai-nilai kebaikan serta kedamaian bagi umatnya. Nyatanya, tak dapat dipungkiri <br />salah satu konsekuensi yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia akibat beragamnya agama <br />yang dimiliki adalah potensi terjadinya konflik-konflik yang bersumber dari <br />perbedaan tersebut. Adanya upaya doktrin ajaran agama secara radikalis tak <br />jarang disasarkan kepada generasi muda Indonesia. Paham intoleran sejatinya <br />adalah musuh bagi bangsa Indonesia, karena dapat mengancam nilai persatuan <br />yang dicantumkan pada Sila ketiga dalam Pancasila. Berdasarkan teori konflik, <br />radikalisme dapat timbul karena adanya upaya untuk mempertahankan dominasi <br />kelompok atas kelompok lainnya. Ini artinya sikap fanatisme dan religioncentrisme <br />yang meyakini “agama yang dianutnya paling benar” bertujuan untuk <br />mendominasi keberadaan suatu agama atas agama lainnya. Maka dari itu, <br />kesadaran memupuk rasa toleransi dirasa sangat perlu sebagai upaya preventif <br />terjadinya pelunturan nilai-nilai persatuan yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia. <br />Setiap agama yang sejatinya bertujuan untuk memberikan kedamaian bagi <br />umatnya harus diimplementasikan sebagaimana mestinya.</p> Ni Komang Ari Budiani Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/990 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Nilai Ke-Bhinekaan Dalam Tradisi Nunas Nasi Takepan Pada Saat Hari Raya Galungan Di Desa Kedisa, Kintamani, Bangli https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/686 <p>Tradisi <em>nunas</em> Nasi Takepan adalah sebuah tradisi secara turun temurun yang di langsungkan di Desa Kedisan, Kintamani, Bangli pada saat hari raya Galungan yang jatuh pada saat Budha kliwon Wuku Dungulan. Dalam setiap pelaksaan Tradisi ini didahului dengan pesu nasi [mengeluarkan nasi] satu <em>cééng</em> nasi ke Pura Bale Agung. dalam mengelurkan nasi ini seluruh masyarakat yang sudah tercata di dalam di dalam <em>pipil krama banjar</em> yang jumbelahnya sekitar 600 kk. Ketika pesu nasi yang dipungut oleh <em>jro paduluan</em> dan dicatat oleh <em>jro panyarikan</em> desa Adat Kedisan, Kintamani, Bangli. Dalam melangsungkan proses pesu nasi harus mengacu kepada&nbsp; etika serta sesananya yang ada. Tradisi ini sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu kala yang memperhatikan dresta dan desa kala patra yang ada di wilayah desa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan wawancara karna pada dasarnya tidak begitu banyak catatan yang ditinggalkan dan banyak masyarakat yang di serta merta memberika informasi berdasarka sumber. Namun, kebanyakan masyarakat memberikan informasi secara lisan yang telah turun temurun. Dalam penyajian data yang didapatkan disusun secara realita dengan apa yang didapatkan di Lapangan. Sampai saat ini Tradisi Nunas Nasi Takepan masih eksis kita temukan di Desa Kedisan, Kintamani, Bangli. Dalam setiap simbol yang digunakan dalam Nasi Takepan memiliki sebuah makna yang berbeda sesuai dengan simbol yang ada.</p> I Gede Mardi Yasa Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/686 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 ANALISIS TIPOGRAFI PADA LOGO SPRITE https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/2171 <p><em>Typography is an important medium, especially in making text useful or easy to use. Typography comes from the Greek "typhos" and "graphein" which means the form of writing, so it can be said that typography is the study of the shape of letters. The origins of typography came from pictograms such as those used by the Vikings and the Sioux Indians. Egypt then developed the Hieratic alphabet or known as hieroglyphs around 1300. Johaness Guttenberg invented the printing press in 1440 and the industrial revolution began since then there have been designs in printing. Typography has an important role in every graphic design work that takes place from time to time. One example of typography is the brand sprite. The principles of typography in sprite logos are influenced by Legibility, Readability, and Visibility. In legibility of the sprite brand logotype, it is minimalist but not rigid. The italic font in this logo has a distinctive aesthetic and looks pleasant. The typography in the Sprite logo has a very high level of readability. The application and selection of fonts in this logo are very precise and the spacing between letters is just right. Visibility on the Sprite logo is already very good. The font is bold, sans-serif, and slightly slanted to the right making this logo easy to read even at long distances.</em></p> I Made Dwi Radithya Kanta, I Nyoman Artayasa Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/2171 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 MEDIA SOSIAL DAN PERPECAHAN: INTOLERANSI BERAGAMA DAN KONSUMERISME KONTEMPORER https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/1044 <p>Indonesia has long been known as a country that is synonymous with diversity, <br />especially religious diversity. However, in the midst of this diversity, the <br />Indonesian people can still live in harmony. As a result, many countries are <br />attracted by the way of life of the Indonesian people who have managed to cope <br />with a diverse life. In response to this, the Government of Indonesia has declared <br />2022 as the 'Year of Tolerance' in an effort to establish Indonesia as a <br />benchmark for world tolerance. Unfortunately, the facts show that religious <br />intolerance still occurs quite a lot every year. This is the impact of the <br />widespread use of social media in contemporary times. Therefore, this study <br />seeks to find solutions to overcome religious intolerance in Indonesia that occurs <br />in contemporary times. This study uses a literature study research method and <br />uses an analytical-philosophical approach. Through this research, it is found <br />that religious intolerance that occurs in contemporary times is the impact of <br />contemporary society's desire to identify and differentiate themselves. This <br />desire is fulfilled through the consumption of the sign or simulacrum. As a result, <br />essential-religion is reduced to an ideological-religion which is the cause of the <br />emergence of exclusivism in society. As a solution, a war of discourse and <br />habituation of discussion is needed which is also carried out through social <br />media.</p> Medaneo Wahyu Putra Wibowo Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/1044 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 PENERAPAN TRI HITA KARANA BENTUK KEARIFAN LOKAL BALI SEBAGAI UPAYA MENGHADAPI ERA GLOBALISASI https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/992 <p>Era globalisasi merupakan era perubahan dan kemajuan dalam segala<br />bidang kehidupan suatu individu. Dalam hal ini perubahan yang terjadi<br />menimbulkan dampak terhadap individu maupun lingkungan itu sendiri. Di<br />samping dampak positif yang terjadi akibat perubahan di era globalisasi tentunya<br />tidak memungkiri bahwa adanya beberapa hal yang menjadi hambatan serta<br />tantangan yang berpengaruh terhadap tatanan kehidupan suatu individu <br />ataupun masyarakat. Sebagai suatu individu yang berada di tengah situasi dan <br />kondisi tersebut tentunya tidak patut menganggap hal itu sepele, bahkan <br />sembarangan dalam menyikapinya.Melainkan harusnya sebagai individu mampu <br />selektif untuk menghadapi hal tersebut dengan tetap berpegang teguh terhadap <br />prinsip – prinsip luhur yang ada sehingga mampu membentengi diri dari pengaruh <br />negatif yang muncul. Salah satu prinsip yang mampu dipergunakan sebagai <br />pedoman adalah kearifan lokal dari setiap daerah, salah satunya adalah kearifan <br />lokal Bali yang kental akan nilai kebudayaan. Kearifan lokal merupakan ajeg bagi <br />sebuah daerah yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan kehidupan <br />masyarakatnya. Selain sebagai ajeg dari suatu daerah yang tujuannya sebagai<br />objek untuk memperkenalkan dan melestarikan kebudayaan sebagai sebuah<br />bentuk warisan budaya (cultural heritage), nilai – nilai yang ada dalam kearifan <br />lokal ini tentunyajika digali lebih dalam maknanya, dipahami dan diterapkan <br />secara positif tentunyasangat membantu sebuah individu dalam menyelesaikan <br />sebuah persoalan yang menjadi tantangan terutama dalam pesatnya<br />perkembangan di era globalisasi seperti sekarang.</p> Putu Eka Listya Dewi Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/992 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 MODERASI BERAGAMA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HINDU SEBAGAI JAWABAN ATAS PROBLEMATIKA KONTESTASI DI INTERN UMAT HINDU https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/747 <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>In religious life, controversies and debates about beliefs among religious people are commonly referred to as contestations. This also happens within the internal Hindu community in Bali, where the contestation between those who call themselves Balinese Hindus, and the Hare Krisnha sect that has recently occurred can be one example. Reflecting on this, the researcher is interested in studying more deeply about the religious contestation, and relating it to religious moderation in a Hindu perspective. In this study, several formulations of the problem were formulated, namely related to religious contestation and its relation to the internal conditions of Hindus, religious moderation and its implications for religious contestation, and the last one was to formulate religious moderation in a Hindu perspective. Using qualitative research types, methods of collecting data from literature or literature studies, as well as Miles and Huberman's interactive data analysis techniques, the results of this study indicate that messages of religious moderation in the Hindu perspective, both in the form of sloka and ancestral teachings, can be a guide to answering problems. internal contestation of Hindus. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Contest, Religious Moderation, Hindu</em></p> I Dewa Gede Darma Permana dewa_permana21 Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/747 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Analysis of Color Use in Children's Magazine "Bobo https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/2173 <p>Analysis of Color Use in Children's Magazine "Bobo" is an article that discusses the use of color in Bobo magazine prints. Magazine is a mass media that becomes a forum for conveying information. Magazines in Indonesia have developed since the Dutch and Japanese colonial era. Bobo Magazine is one of the first published magazines published in Indonesia in 1973. Bobo Magazine is a medium for delivering and receiving information that contains articles and light content about children. The use of distinctive colors and considering a good psychological approach to color elements makes Bobo Magazine's visuals popular. They display characters combined with their distinctive colors so that children will not get bored reading this magazine. This colorfully designed magazine has succeeded in becoming informative and entertaining children's reading at its time. The use of these colors is of course also balanced with the application of good aesthetic values, so that the output that is issued is not only meaningful but can provide satisfying and comfortable visuals for eye-catching eyes. The slick collaboration between visual elements and principles featured in Bobo Magazine does not make this magazine boring for children.</p> I Made Deva Dharma Putra Deva Dharma Putra Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/2173 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 PEMANFAATAN PLATFORM LITERASI DIGITAL BERBASIS BLOG SEBAGAI MEDIA EDUKASI MODERASI BERAGAMA DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/1969 <p>The wave of technological developments is now the center of world attention. The developments that have occurred have caused changes in every aspect of human life. The resulting turmoil provides an influence for the development of the order of life, especially regarding social life. In a short time, technology easily exploded in the market. In everyday life, humans cannot be separated from technology. This is what makes technology users in Indonesia are now increasing drastically. In facing all the challenges of change, every human being inevitably has to adapt and innovate in order to maintain the existence of his life. If humans are complacent with the convenience of existing technology, it will be a threat to humans themselves. Reinforcing this, Albert Einstein reiterated that, “I fear that one day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots” which means, I'm afraid that on the day technology will surpass human interaction, the world will have a generation of idiots. This situation is accompanied by challenges in the era of super smart society (society 5.0), where humans and technology will coexist. The community is able to solve various social problems that occur by utilizing technological developments. This is based on innovations that were born in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which were then implemented in life. Therefore, the positive use of technology must always be applied, so that the resolution of social problems can be realized.</p> <p>Technological developments that occur are also accompanied by various social problems that occur in life, ranging from political, economic, cultural to religious problems. Various kinds of problems that we often encounter in life are in matters of religion, where religious moderation is increasingly concerning. Therefore, an innovative strategy is needed to increase public awareness of the importance of religious moderation in order to avoid social problems in the religious aspect that occur. Based on these circumstances, the problems that arise are how religious moderation education can be carried out in the midst of the current rapid current of technological development, and how effective ways can be done to improve reading literacy in Indonesian society. The rapid development of technology that occurs, requires us to be able to create creative and innovative ways to be able to provide an education in the midst of developments that occur. One way we can do this is by utilizing a blog-based digital literacy platform as part of the technology itself.</p> <p>Keywords: Blog-Based Digital Literacy Platform, Religious Moderation, and Society 5.0</p> Widya Ayu Candra Candra Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/1969 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 The Use of Memes as a Medium of Socialization of Religious Moderation in The Digital Era https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/1030 <p><em>The existence of six official religions that are able to live together is one of the diversity that is the wealth of the Indonesian state. However, in the current era of digitalization, many irresponsible people are trying to break this union through technological intermediaries. Considering these problems, researchers are interested in studying further about the potential use of memes as a medium for socializing religious moderation in the digital era, with several problem formulations; the importance of socializing religious moderation in the digital era, the existence of memes in the digital era, and memes as a medium of socializing religious moderation in the digital era. To answer the formulation of the problem, the type of research used in this research is qualitative research, with a visual ethnographic approach. The results of this study indicate that the socialization of religious moderation is important in the current digital era in order to prevent and overcome cases of religious disharmony. To answer this challenge, the existence of memes that are quite popular can actually be used to promote religious moderation. This study aims to offer a way of socializing the concept of religious moderation that is innovative, unique, and efficient in order to maintain the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.</em></p> I Dewa Gede Darma Permana dewa_permana21 Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL PENALARAN RISET (Journal of Reasoning Research) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ojs.uhnsugriwa.ac.id/index.php/jpr/article/view/1030 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100