Analysis of Color Use in Children's Magazine "Bobo


  • I Made Deva Dharma Putra Deva Dharma Putra Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar


magazines, bobomagazines, colors, children, psychological


Analysis of Color Use in Children's Magazine "Bobo" is an article that discusses the use of color in Bobo magazine prints. Magazine is a mass media that becomes a forum for conveying information. Magazines in Indonesia have developed since the Dutch and Japanese colonial era. Bobo Magazine is one of the first published magazines published in Indonesia in 1973. Bobo Magazine is a medium for delivering and receiving information that contains articles and light content about children. The use of distinctive colors and considering a good psychological approach to color elements makes Bobo Magazine's visuals popular. They display characters combined with their distinctive colors so that children will not get bored reading this magazine. This colorfully designed magazine has succeeded in becoming informative and entertaining children's reading at its time. The use of these colors is of course also balanced with the application of good aesthetic values, so that the output that is issued is not only meaningful but can provide satisfying and comfortable visuals for eye-catching eyes. The slick collaboration between visual elements and principles featured in Bobo Magazine does not make this magazine boring for children.


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