International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies 2024-07-28T06:14:37+08:00 Made Wahyu Mahendra Open Journal Systems <p>International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies is a peer-reviewed English journal under the management of Faculty of Dharma Acarya, Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar published in June and November/ two issues annually. The objectives of this journal is to accommodate scholars, researchers, experts in education, and teachers to publish their outstanding work and original research articles or review articles. The articles should basically topics related to Education, Literature, and Linguistics. IJILS will continue to work and getting international recognition through feasible indexing criteria approved by the Ministry of Education of Indonesia.</p> Balinese Traditional Games to Develop Children's Resilience in Early Childhood Education 2024-05-10T14:58:45+08:00 Nyoman Wiraadi Tria Ariani <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on children, with restrictions and changes in daily routines affecting their psychological well-being, including their resilience. This study examines the role of traditional Balinese games, specifically Curik-curik, in fostering children's resilience. Using the case study method, we analyze the aspects that shape children's resilience during the game of Curik-curik. The results reveal that this traditional game provides a natural and effective means for children to communicate their feelings, reducing their worries and anxieties. Moreover, participating in Curik-curik enables children to develop self-control, emotional management, and problem-solving skills, preparing them to face real-life changes and obstacles. By engaging in traditional Balinese games, children can cultivate resilience and be better equipped to tackle new challenges in their growth journey.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies Exploring Language Ideology and Religious Identity: Strategies for Teaching English in Boarding School Setting 2024-05-10T08:01:38+08:00 M Galuh Elga Romadhon <p>The integration of English language pedagogy in Islamic boarding schools serves several purposes. This study aims to explore how ideological perspectives on English intersect with religious and cultural norms within Islamic educational settings, examining challenges such as reconciling Islamic doctrines with Western influences and integrating religious values into language learning. The researcher employed a qualitative methodology to capture the profoundness and intricacy of the participants' experiences, beliefs, and practices pertaining to English language learning in Islamic schools. The research methodology encompassed a purposive sampling technique to select participants. A semi-structured interview model was utilized to explore the information provided. The researchers organized the results obtained from the interview data into three main themes: Managing the intersection of language, culture, and faith; addressing obstacles linked to integrating faith into the educational journey; and adapting approaches for different stages of boarding school education. The results shed light on the diverse tactics employed by students to navigate the educational landscape with sensitivity and discernment, creating an inclusive learning environment that supports the overall development of students. Furthermore, the integration of Islamic principles and cultural heritage played a crucial role in enhancing linguistic fluency and strengthening religious identity among students.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies CIPP MODEL EVALUATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MERDEKA CURRICULUM IN HINDU RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND CHARACTER LEARNING AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN DENPASAR 2024-05-10T14:52:47+08:00 Ni Made Muliani Ida Ayu Gde Yadnyawati Ni Made Indiani <p>Hindu religious education and character learning form people who have faith, are devoted to God Almighty, and have noble character in accordance with the goals of national education. This research is the most recent and was urgently carried out to assess and measure the success of the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum. So that, through the results of this research, improvements can be made to aspects that have not been optimally implemented and can become a basis for consideration when making policies related to the Merdeka curriculum. The aim of this research is to thoroughly analyze the evaluation of the CIPP model on the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in Hindu religious education and character learning for X grade students at a senior high school in Denpasar City from the level of effectiveness. This type of research is survey research, and the approach used is an evaluative approach. For sampling, X-grade students use probability sampling techniques with simple random sampling; meanwhile, for sampling of school principals and deputy principals in the curriculum sector, non-probability sampling techniques with saturated sampling are used. The instrument used is a questionnaire with data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The results of this research are the level of effectiveness based on calculations using Glickman's theory, respectively, for students, educators, the deputy principal for curriculum, and the school principal at SMA N 1 Denpasar, namely, very effective, very effective, and very effective. Meanwhile, at SMA N 4 Denpasar, it is less effective, very effective, and very effective. At SMA N 7 Denpasar, less effective, very effective, and very effective.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies REVERTING OR PROGRESSING: THE DILLEMA OF HIGHER EDUCATION ENGLISH INSTRUCTION IN A HETEREGENOUS CLASSROOM 2024-06-12T00:33:37+08:00 Kadek Wiramarta I Gusti Ayu Putu Novita Sari Paragae <p>It is common for university classes to be heterogeneous due to the vast range of students' backgrounds. Undoubtedly, teachers employ their own strategies to address this matter. Hence, this study aims to investigate how teachers design the teaching approach and learning resources in the presence of a heterogeneous&nbsp;classroom. This study used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to investigate the approach employed by English lecturers in universities when managing diverse classrooms. A total of six participants&nbsp;were interviewed in order to obtain the desired data. These data were subsequently evaluated thematically to investigate the narrative of university lecturers&nbsp;in higher education regarding this issue. The results of this study revealed that every participant had actively sought to acquire knowledge regarding the extent of student diversity present in the classroom. Participants also devised effective strategies for constructing the learning material and teaching methods that will optimize the development of all students' capacity. While there might be varying opinions among participants, they unanimously acknowledged that effectively teaching a diverse classroom requires careful thought and consideration in order to meet the individual needs of all students, regardless of students varying level of knowledge. This study hopefully can&nbsp;elucidate some teaching strategies while dealing with heterogeneous classroom.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies Translation Procedure Applied in the Information Boards of Tegenungan Waterfall in Gianyar, Bali: A Study of Linguistics Landscape 2024-05-19T09:16:39+08:00 Gede Irwandika I Made Perdana Skolastika <p>This study aimed to describe translation procedures applied in the information Boards <br>of Tegenungan waterfall in Gianyar, Bali, especially on bilingual information boards. <br>The method used in this research was qualitative research to describe the translation <br>procedures found on the information boards. Several theories were applied in this <br>research: Landscape linguistics theory from Yendra and Artawa (2020), syntactic scope <br>theory by Noortyani (2017), translation procedures by Vinay and Dalbernet (2000:84), <br>and translation equivalence theory by Nida (2000). The analysis revealed that the <br>information boards predominantly used literal translation, with some instances of <br>adaptation and equivalence. Literal translation aimed to maintain the form and <br>structure of the source language, ensuring clarity for both domestic and international <br>visitors. However, there was room for improvement in linguistic accuracy and cultural <br>nuances. By considering the principles of landscape linguistics and translation theory, <br>authorities could enhance the quality of translation on the information boards. <br>Improving the translations could lead to a more informative and engaging experience <br>for visitors, contributing to their enjoyment and safety at Tegenungan Waterfall.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies ENHANCING STUDENTS' PRONUNCIATION SKILL USING CARTOON VIDEO IN AN EFL CLASSROOM 2024-03-04T00:11:12+08:00 Ni Luh Gede Dita Indah Sari I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra I Putu Andre Suhardiana <p>This research aims to identify the best implementation of cartoon video to improve students’ pronunciation skill and their perception of cartoon video in learning pronunciation. This Classroom Action Research (CAR) cyclic procedure consist of four stages, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The technique of data collection in this research were observation, test, and questionnaire. The finding showed that the implementation of cartoon video in an EFL classroom, which consider the learning system, speech rate of the video, and the amount of pronunciation practice, was able to improve students’ pronunciation skill. It was indicated by the percentage of students’ activity rate that reach more than 75%, the percentage of students who passed the minimum criteria of mastery learning (KKM) reach more than 75%, the average of pronunciation test score reach more than 70. Students shows a strong positive perception on the quality of the cartoon video, the ease of use of the cartoon video, and also the usefulness of the cartoon video. Based on the finding, the teacher should pay attention to these three factors: learning system, speech rate of video, and the amount of students’ pronuciation practice when teaching pronunciation using cartoon video.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies The Use of Free Writing Technique to Developed Students’ Writing Skill at UIN Prof. K.H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto: Students’ Perception 2024-05-13T03:00:17+08:00 Alfi Hulwatun Nasichah <p>In this era, developing writing skills is crucial for the students. Because they can make any types of writing text that will be necessary for their future career. In fact, every student and teacher in a writing class may be facing unique challenges. A rangesof writing strategies are necessary for an effective teaching and learning process. Without the appropriate writing strategies, the students will always face the difficulties in their learning process. The free writing technique is one of the appropriate instructional strategies for writing. This study aims to find out the students' perception about the use of free writing technique. The data were collected through questionnaires which were distributed to 33 English students of UIN &nbsp;Prof.K.H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto. This research used quantitative method to describe the research result. According to the data, the majority of students believe that by including the free writing technique into their learning process, they may improve their writing skills.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Free Writing;Writing Skill; Student’s Perception</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies Student Perception on Enhancing Learning Motivation via Guest Lectures in the English Language Education Department 2024-05-14T17:02:13+08:00 I Putu Suyasa Ariputra Danan Darajat <p>The growing intricacy of cognitive processes as learning advances underscores the need of fostering human capacity through education. However, educational interventions, particularly in the realms of emotions and spirituality, have yet to reach their ideal level, particularly within the framework of online learning. The reliance on technology, namely the existence of GPT Chat, has diminished students' incentive to learn, thus necessitating the use of alternative approaches like as guest lectures to bring fresh viewpoints and enhance self-driven learning motivation. The study investigates student perspectives on enhancing learning motivation through guest lectures in the Department of English Language Education. The objective is to offer fresh perspectives on enhancing the caliber of education in the major. The analysis process utilizes Keller's ASCR technique. Data gathering strategies encompass the distribution of surveys subsequent to guest lectures, employing modified questions derived from prior research. Research findings indicate that instructors have a significant impact on cultivating students' focus, connection, and self-assurance. The students expressed contentment with the guest lectures and anticipated a higher frequency of similar activities. In summary, this study demonstrates that students hold a favorable view of initiatives aimed at enhancing learning motivation through guest lectures at the Department of English Language Education.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Instructions and Language Studies