Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Journal Systems<p>ANUBHAVA: Jurnal Ilmu Komuniksi Hindu <a href="">(E-ISSN: 2776-4230</a> dan <a href="">P-ISSN: 2776-4249)</a> merupakan jurnal ilmiah nasional yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Ilmu Komunikasi terkhusus lagi Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu dengan menyebarluaskan penelitian di berbagai bidang Komunikasi, antara lain komunikasi agama, komunikasi budaya, komunikasi transendental, media dan jurnalistik, cultural studies, kajian media baru (new media), cybermedia, , teknologi komunikasi, komunikasi terapan, kehumasan, komunikasi pemasaran, dan komunikasi lainnya.</p> <p>ANUBHAVA: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu menerbitkan jurnal dua kali setahun pada bulan Maret dan September.<br /><br />ANUBHAVA: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu menyediakan akses gratis versi online dan cetak untuk mendukung pertukaran pengetahuan secara global.</p> <p><a href="">Eletronik ISSN: 2776-4230 dengan SK ISSN 0005.27764230/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.04</a></p> <p><a href="">Cetak ISSN:2776-4249 dengan SK ISSN 0005.27764230/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.04</a></p> <p> </p> KOMUNIKASI BINLUH PENYULUH AGAMA HINDU KEMENTERIAN AGAMA KOTA DENPASAR DALAM MENINGKATAN SRADDHA DAN BHAKTI MASYARAKAT HINDU DI KOTA DENPASAR2024-08-06T05:35:36+08:00Ida Ayu Ratihdayugekratih30@gmail.comRelin D.Edayugekratih30@gmail.comI Nyoman<p><em>Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Hindu extension workers conducted face-to-face coaching for the community. However, after the Covid-19 pandemic, community formation has been disrupted due to regulations from the government that prohibit gathering with large numbers of people. In the midst of changes in communication media in this new normal era, of course, there are difficulties in implementing counseling through video. Is there a significant difference in the increase of Hindu Sraddha and Bhakti if guidance and counseling (Binluh) are carried out through videos shared through social media. Therefore, researchers are interested in further studying the phenomenon so that it is poured in a scientific paper entitled "Communication Strategy for Hindu Extension Binluh Ministry of Religious Affairs of Denpasar City in Improving Sraddha and Bhakti Hindu Community in Denpasar City". The theories used in this study are Foucault's theory, symbolic interaction theory, and persuasive communication theory. This research is a qualitative research with a type of positivism research. The location of this study is at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Denpasar City. The types and sources of data used are primary and secondary data. The informant determination technique is purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, literature studies, and document studies. The findings of the research are: (1) The Binluh System carried out by the Hindu Extension Officer of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Denpasar City includes planning, implementation and evaluation; and (2) Hindu Extension Officer of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Denpasar City through verbal and nonverbal communication processes</em><em>.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI PT. AGAVI DALAM PEMBINAAN KELOMPOK USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (STUDY PADA PROGRAM MAHASISWA MAGANG BERSERTIFIKAT DI NUSA PENIDA)2024-08-06T05:25:36+08:00I Kadek Nova Semadinovasemadi27@gmail.comI Nyoman Yoga Segaranovasemadi27@gmail.comI Wayan<p><em>PT. AGAVI is a company that focuses on agriculture and its interaction with society and the environment. Based on the focus of the company's work then gave birth to a certified student internship program. PT. AGAVI is a partner of the Ministry of Education and Culture's MSIB program of the Republic of Indonesia. The aim is to facilitate students in actualizing their skills while helping assisted MSMEs in developing businesses based on existing local potential. The program is made in terms of Collaborative R&D. This research is formulated in 3 problems, namely: relating to communication management patterns, supporting and inhibiting factors of communication management, as well as the implications of communication management at PT. AGAVI in providing guidance to the Young Loka UMKM group through the MSIB program. This type of research is qualitative research. This research is a qualitative research design that focuses on case study observations. This research in determining the informants using purposive sampling technique. Data collection in this study was carried out by observation, interviews, and document collection. Activities carried out by researchers in data analysis are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of the study show that POAC management in the context of research on apprentice students at PT. AGAVI refers to the management approach used to plan, organize, implement and control various operational and strategic activities related to the production, operation and development of Youth Workshops in Nusa Penida.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI BUDAYA PENGGUNAAN REMPAH DI BIDANG SEKSUALITAS DALAM LONTAR RUKMINI TATTWA2024-09-19T04:30:23+08:00Ni Luh Dian Suryantinisuryantinidian@gmail.comNi Made Yuliani suryantinidian@gmail.comI Gede Suwantana<p><em>The spices from Indonesia such as pepper, candlenut to nutmeg are mentioned in the Rukmini Tattwa lontar manuscript as a component of the recipe that is said to be potent or effective. In the past, spices were an expensive item. In the ancient text Rukmini Tattwa, it is stated that a woman can return to virginity by using spices. Likewise with men who can increase confidence. This study uses a qualitative approach with the Purposive Sampling method, which is a technique for taking data sources from informants who are considered to know and understand the subject matter being researched the most. Based on this presentation, the relevant theories used are (1) Simulacra Theory from Jean Baudrillard; (2) The Theory of Cultural Identity put forward by Stephen W. Littlejohn; (3) The Theory of Cultural Imperialism by Herb Schiller. The use of spices in the field of sexuality as stated in Lontar Rukmini Tattwa is not only a physical practice but also a complex cultural phenomenon. Apart from being an economic route, it is also a medium for cultural exchange, including in terms of sexuality. Lontar Rukmini Tattwa, a traditional Balinese manuscript, provides insight into the patterns of cultural communication that occurred related to sexuality at that time. With the display perspective method, the cultural communication that occurs is one-way communication. This means that the pattern of cultural communication using the display perspective method is carried out through exhibitions that are quite effective as a cultural communication tool to narrate or convey the content message of Rukmini Tattwa's lontar. Second, the primary communication pattern which shows the delivery of messages through intermediaries. This pattern includes language and body movements to help provide understanding so that there is no shift in meaning between the denotative and connotative meanings of Lontar Rukmini Tattwa. With the theory of simulakra, the pattern of cultural communication that occurs can be understood that the description in Rukmini Tattwa is a hyperbole or strong metaphor, not a scientific fact. The claim that the herb can restore the condition of women to adolescence is more of a reflection of cultural beliefs or myths that have long been developed. So, even though these claims sound real and convincing, it must be realized that this is only part of a simulation that has no scientific basis.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI POLITIK DALAM PENCITRAAN PARTAI POLITIK DAN CALON LEGISLATIF PADA PEMILIHAN UMUM TAHUN 2024 Di KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI2024-08-06T05:03:18+08:00Putra Hari Iryantoputrahari2018@gmail.comRelin D.Eputrahari2018@gmail.comI Nyoman<p><em>The arrangement of party images in this thought is taken from research consideration of cases of political communication methodology carried out by the Party and administrative candidates ahead of the administrative race contestation in Banyuwangi Government in 2024 with one central point in the DAPIL V area includes the Tegalsari Region, Gambiran Region and Cluring Region. Now, they are eager to make their presence known and shape the image as something unused reformist authoritative parties and candidates who are equal to other parties, get the thinking the efforts of the Party and its authoritative candidates to shape a modern image or an old fashioned party. The problem detailed in this question is as follows: (1) How is the situation political communication in the image of political parties and administrative candidates in the 2024 joint decision in the Banyuwangi Regional Regulations?. (2) What is the function of political communication in the image of political parties and legislative candidates in the 2024 Election in the Banyuwangi Government?. (3) What is itpolitical communication suggestions in the picture of political parties and An authoritative candidate in the 2024 joint decision in the Banyuwangi Regional Regulations?.The hypothesis used to analyze the problem is the Motivational Setting Hypothesis, Constructivist Hypothesis, Explanatory Hypothesis. Information was collected using nonparticipant perception procedures, in-depth interviews, documentation studies, and written thoughts, witnesses are selected using deliberate examination and technique of investigating subjective graphic information with the method of deriving, information introduction. , and draw conclusions. Based on information searches, it was found: (1) Forms of Political Communication in the Description of Political Parties and the Legislature Candidates in the 2024 General Decision in Banyuwangi Regency. (2) Employment Political Communication in the Image of Political Parties and Administration Candidate in the 2024 Common Race in Banyuwangi Regency. (3) Suggestions Political Communication in the Image of political Parties and Administration Candidates in the 2024 General Decision in Banyuwangi Regency.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DAN KELUHAN PELANGGAN TERHADAP REPUTASI BIZNET DI BALI2024-08-06T05:19:22+08:00Krishna Wasudewa Subiaktakrishnawasudewa@gmail.comI Dewa Ayu Hendrawathy Putrikrishnawasudewa@gmail.comI Wayan<h3>This study investigates the impact of marketing communication and customer complaints on Biznet's reputation in Bali, incorporating media convergence, network communication theory, and information processing theory. Data were gathered from Biznet customers in Bali through validated questionnaires and analyzed using quantitative methods, alongside multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The findings reveal that marketing communication positively and significantly influences Biznet's reputation in Bali, highlighting the necessity for Biznet to focus on effective marketing communication strategies to bolster its market reputation. Conversely, customer complaints have a significant impact on Biznet's reputation, suggesting the need for Biznet to efficiently address customer complaints to prevent reputational damage. Moreover, the combined effect of marketing communication and customer complaints on Biznet's reputation is significant, underscoring the importance of integrating effective marketing communication strategies with responsive customer complaint handling to cultivate a strong and positive reputation.</h3>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI KPU BALI DALAM MENINGKATKAN LITERASI INFORMASI BAGI PEMILIH PEMULA PADA PEMILU 20242024-08-06T04:23:24+08:00Ayu Khania Pranisithakhaniapranisitha17@gmail.comNi Made Yulianikhaniapranisitha17@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Ratna Pramesti<h1><em>The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) has set the voting date for the 2024 Election, which is February 14, 2024. In the 2019 elections, the voter turnout rate in Bali was high, reaching 80 percent, while the proportion of 2024 voters on February 14 will reach the age of 17 to 39 years, 55 to 60 percent, 22 percent of whom are novice voters. This is a challenge for KPU Bali in order to increase voter participation, especially novice voters, by creating a communication strategy related to election information literacy to prevent disinformation through social media. Based on the background, the problem formulation is found, namely 1) How is KPU Bali's strategy in improving information literacy through digital media for beginner voters in the 2024 Election? 2) How is the information management of KPU Bali to reduce disinformation about the 2024 Election on digital media channels? 3) How is the response of novice voters in accessing information provided by the Bali KPU on the implementation of the 2024 Election?</em></h1> <h1><em>The theories used in this research are Harold D. Lasswell, New Media theory and Uses and Gratification theory. This research uses mixed method. The research was conducted at the Bali Provincial KPU office, Denpasar. Qualitative data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. While for quantitative data using an online questionnaire and calculated by the Taro Yamane formula</em><em>.</em></h1> <p> </p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu LINTAS BUDAYA ANTARA PENGLINGSIR PURI KANGINAN BULELENG DENGAN UMAT MUSLIM DALAM PRAKTIK MENYAMA BRAYA DI KELURAHAN KAMPUNG SINGARAJA KABUPATEN BULELENG PROVINSI BALI2024-08-06T04:32:24+08:00Eka Prasetya Kusuma Made Yulianimadeyuliani23771@gmail.comI Gede<p><em>This study examines cross-cultural communication between Penglingsir Puri Kanginan Buleleng and Muslims community in Kampung Singaraja Subdistrict, Bali. The Muslims community in this area are descendants of the Blambangan Islamic Warriors, followers of the King of Buleleng, I Gusti Anglurah Panji Sakti. The Islamic Warriors were granted land by the King of Buleleng in 1711. Despite their different religious and cultural backgrounds, communication between the two groups has been intense, resulting in the practice of "</em>menyama braya<em>". This study focuses on patterns of cross-cultural communication, barriers to communication, and the implications of these communication practices. A qualitative method is used, employing the theories of interaction adaptation, accommodation, and negotiation to analyze the data. The results show that cross-cultural communication has produced cultural acculturation and the practice of "</em>menyama braya<em>" such as the bancakan tradition and involvement in religious ceremonies. However, communication is also hampered by barriers such as cultural differences, motivations, language, and stereotypes. Despite these challenges, communication is generally good. The younger generation is expected to take on a role in addressing these communication barriers so that the practice of "menyama braya" can continue into the future</em><em>.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI MITIGASI BENCANA BERBASIS PENGGUNAAN SIMBOL KEARIFAN LOKAL DALAM PROGRAM KENTONGAN RRI DENPASAR2024-08-06T04:24:48+08:00Ida Bagus Ngurah Tri Pramanangurah.t.pramana@gmail.comI Nyoman Yoga Segara ngurah.t.pramana@gmail.comI Wayan Wastawa<p>Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) initiated the Kentongan broadcast program in the final quarter of 2019, focusing on disaster mitigation education. As it enters its fifth year of implementation in 2024, there are challenges in disseminating information on disaster mitigation. Targeting the Balinese community as the audience, the local wisdom symbols can be incorporated into radio broadcast <br />programs as part of an integrated cultural preservation and disaster mitigation education. The formulation of the research problem in this study is to determine the implications of local wisdom symbols in the RRI Denpasar Kentongan program. The theory employed for analysis is the Hypodermic Needle Theory. The research uses a descriptive-verification research method with the research location at RRI Denpasar. Primary data is collected through in-depth interviews and observations, with informant selection using purposive sampling. Data analysis consists of four stages: data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data <br />is presented in narrative text supported by graphs or tables. From the data analysis, it was found that the implications of disaster mitigation communication can be observed through the feedback provided by listeners. RRI Denpasar needs to maximize the implementation of the Kentongan program by maintaining the continuity of the program and addressing relevant disaster topics along with local wisdom to support the persuasion process.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL DAN BUDAYA KERJA TERHADAP KUALITAS KINERJA STAF UPTD PUSKESMAS II DINAS KESEHATAN KECAMATAN DENPASAR TIMUR2024-08-06T05:52:40+08:00Putu Adi Narendraadinarendra210498@gmail.comI Dewa Ayu Hendrawathy Putri adinarendra275@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah Pertu Agung<p><em>Numerous crucial viewpoints to comprehend the culture of company communication. It's critical that the front and back communicate with each other. Work culture plays a key role in launching corporate operations by improving human capital and human resource management (SDM) to boost productivity and reduce business risks over time. The ability of employees to work effectively and meet predetermined productivity targets in order to maximize their contributions is the basis for measuring worker productivity. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of work culture and interpersonal communication on the employees of UPTD Puskesmas II Dinas Kesehatan Kecamatan Denpasar Timur. The quantitative method is used in this investigation. Multiple linear regression analysis is used in this strategy. For this investigation, 66 employees made up the sample.</em> <em>from the East Denpasar District Health Office's UPTD Puskesmas II. A significant value of f less than 0.05 indicates that the work culture and interpersonal communication have a significant impact on the quality of staff performance, according to the research.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI DALAM MENGOPTIMALKAN BUDAYA MUTU DI KANTOR BANK BPD BALI CABANG MATARAM2024-08-06T05:40:25+08:00Ni Made Indianaanaidni29@gmail.comI Dewa Ayu Hendrawathy Putrianaidni29@gmail.comI Nyoman<p><em>This study examines organizational communication at the Mataram Branch of Bank BPD Bali, focusing on reinforcing the bank's established CINTA culture, which emphasizes Competence, Integrity, Teamwork, and Customer Awareness. The research addresses three main questions: 1) How is the organizational communication process structured to enhance the quality culture at the Mataram branch? 2) What communication strategies are used to strengthen this culture? 3) How do branch leaders manage obstacles in executing these strategies? Using a qualitative descriptive approach, the study reveals that the Mataram branch operates within a complex open system, relying on interdependent relationships within and outside the organization. This system fosters interpersonal communication among team members to exchange information and share perspectives. The strategies employed effectively capitalize on internal strengths and external opportunities while mitigating internal and external challenges. The success of these efforts is reflected in the partners' acceptance of the CINTA culture, allowing the branch to sustain economic operations while bridging internal differences within the organization and the cultural background of the West Nusa Tenggara region.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anubhava: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi HIndu