Nilai Etika dalam Geguritan Dharma Kaya
Ethical standards, ethical values, Geguritan Dharma KayaAbstract
In living a life, humans need ethics that need to be formed. Ethical issues have become a trend recently, starting with a debate between the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the Republic of Indonesia. Almost every presidential and vice presidential candidate asked each other questions and gave answers regarding ethics. In the teachings of Hinduism, ethics is the same as morals, which means good deeds. Debates about ethics will end if each person understands the nature of ethics as a whole. Ethics must be possessed by every human being who is God's most perfect creature. In this order of life, ethics should be the basic value of life. In Hinduism, ethics correlates with the Tri Kaya Parisudha, namely thinking well (manacika), speaking well (wacika), and behaving well (manacika). These teachings are contained in the Dharma Kaya Geguritan, where, after analysis, there are ethical standards that all Hindu people must have as a basis for realizing a harmonious, balanced life between the relationships between humans and God, humans and themselves, humans and each other, and humans and the universe. The ethical values contained in the Dharma Kaya Geguritan will produce the expected conditions of life, harmony, peace, and harmony.