Menjelajahi Konsep Tri Kaya Parisuda Dalam Pengembangan Kecerdasan Interpersonal


  • Gusti Ayu Agung Riesa Mahendradhani UHN I GBS Denpasar



Tri Kaya Parisuda, Interpersonal, Education, Character



This research aims (1) to know the theory of Tri Kaya Parisuda and (2) to explore the concept of Tri Kaya Parisuda towards the interpersonal development of students. Character education is one of the problems that is never completed to be implemented in the world of education. Almost in the curriculum that has been published, character education always has its own place as one of the foundations of learning. The importance of the application of moral knowing, moral feeling and moral doing as the basis for the formation of individuals in socializing in society motivates this article as an effort to find out the relationship between Tri Kaya Parisudha theory in developing students' interpersonal intelligence. Tri Kaya Parisuda is one of the philosophies in Hinduism which is used as a guideline by the Hindu Community in Bali in social society. Tri Kaya Parisuda can also be implemented in character education based on local wisdom (ethnopedagogic). Understanding of religion in education does not only enable students to have and develop a spiritual side but is also able to become a foundation in character building and develop intelligence abilities, one of which is interpersonal. The research uses a qualitative approach where the data is presented in the form of descriptive analysis. The results showed that the use of Tri Kaya Parisudha Theory in learning helps develop students' interpersonal intelligence.







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