Analisis Siklus Perkembangan Anak Berdasarkan Pemahaman Masyarakat Hindu Bali


  • I Made Dwi Susila Adnyana SMA Negeri 3 Negara



Child Development Cycle, Rituals, Local Genius Balinese Hinduism



Bali, which has been named a Religious Island, always struggles with a ritual in any activity. Likewise with understanding the cycle of child development, the understanding of the Balinese people, where the majority of its people embrace Hinduism, has its own way as a form of local genius on the Island of the Gods. The child's development cycle starting from the womb, birth, growth and development until adolescence is always accompanied by rituals. The implementation of these rituals does not necessarily only focus on ceremonial and ancient traditions. But behind all that there is a philosophical, sociological, and religious meaning in it. Thus the analysis of the child development cycle is based on the understanding of the Balinese Hindu community which is always implemented with a ritual. This is the form of the local genius of the Balinese Hindu community which has been passed down from generation to generation and is still maintained today.






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