Pergeseran Pelaksanaan Ngaben di Desa Pakraman Menuju Krematorium


  • Desak Kadek Lia Suryantini Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar
  • I Putu Suyasa Ariputra Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar



Ngaben; Crematorium; Modernization; Transformation.


The majority of the population in Bali is Hindu, Hindus in Bali are closely tied to customs and traditions. In Hinduism, Hinduism holds the concept of the Tri Basic Framework of Hinduism, namely Tattwa, Morals and Ceremony. Carrying out the yadnya ceremony must be based on sincerity, and the obligation as a Balinese society to continue to preserve Balinese culture. Especially in the implementation of the cremation ceremony which is based on culture and is something that must be done by Hindus to respect their ancestors. The purpose of this study is to answer two main problems that arise in the community, first what is the reason for this crematorium to appear in Bali, secondly what is the opinion of the community about the existence of a crematorium. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, that is, this research will be described in the form of a description of the factors of social change in Hindu religious ceremonies in Bali. The primary sources in this research are the results of journal literature, author observations and interview analysis. The results of this study will show that the existence of a crematorium is not as dangerous as people think, even a crematorium will help the community to facilitate the implementation of Ngaben. The crematorium is efficient, practical and economical. However, there are still pros and cons that will arise with the existence of this crematorium, because it indirectly eliminates the function of the banjar in Pakraman village. Carrying out the Ngaben ceremony at the crematorium is indeed a new thing in society, there is a transformation towards modernization at the Ngaben ceremony, but the crematorium is also based on ancestral teachings written in lontar literature, especially Lontar Yama Purana Tattwa.





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