Jatakarma Samskara Tradisi Upacara Jatakarma Samskara Dalam Merepresentasi Nilai Keagamaan Pada Masyarakat Hindu Bali


  • Ni Nyoman Suastini
  • Ni Putu Suparwati




Jatakarma Samskara, New Born Baby, Placenta Planting



The Jatakarma ceremony is a baby birth ceremony that is carried out before the baby's umbilical cord is released, the purpose of this ceremony is as a form of gratitude and happiness for the presence of the little one in the world. This ceremony is performed inside and at the door of the house. The birth ceremony is carried out or led by one of the eldest or elders, but if in the family there is no elder or living abroad, the father can carry out this. In addition to the ceremony performed on the baby, when the baby is born, the placenta is planted, what needs to be considered when planting the placenta is where to plant it. If the child born is a boy, the coconut is planted on the right side at the exit (position facing out of the house). If the child is born a girl, the placenta is planted on the left. With prayer and the right process, it is believed that the baby will grow up to be a smart and healthy child and be cared for by his or her siblings.


Keywords:   Jatakarma Samskara, New Born Baby, Placenta Planting






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