Membangun Kesadaran Pelestarian Air : Kontradiksi Ajaran Hindu dengan Perilaku Pencemaran Air di Bali (Kajian Teo-Ekologi)
Kontradiksi Ajaran Hindu dengan Perilaku Pencemaran Air di Bali (Kajian Teo-Ekologi)
DOI: Kunci:
Bali; Hinduism; water conservationAbstrak
Water is an important material in Hinduism, including in Bali. The holy book Bhagavad Gītā, Mānava Dharmaśāstra, as well as a number of manuscripts in Bali teach water conservation. However, currently there is water pollution in lakes, rivers and the sea. This causes concern, because Bali has long been famous for its natural beauty and sustainability. The main cause of pollution is human activity, such as the disposal of rubbish and waste which has an impact on water quality. This is in contrast to Hinduism which teaches the preservation of nature, including water. Before pollution gets worse, awareness of water conservation needs to be raised. The government and traditional villages have issued various regulations. This needs to be implemented by the community for environmental sustainability, especially the quality and quantity of water in Bali. The method used in this paper is qualitative with a literature review. Several research results about water in Bali were collected and then analysed. The author also took information from mass media and books. It is hoped that this scientific paper will inspire all interested parties to work together to preserve water for nature and human life.Keywords: Bali, Hinduism, Water conservation
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