Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
<p align="left">Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi (ISSN Online <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1583804819" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-8576</a> dan ISSN Cetak <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1180424863" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1978-7014</a>) diterbitkan oleh Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar dan dikelola oleh Program Studi Teologi Hindu Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar adalah jurnal ilmiah bertujuan untuk mewujudkan tipologi dan pengetahuan Hindu yang lebih konkret dan meyakinkan untuk ilmuwan dunia. Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan ilmiah, bertanggung jawab untuk mengungkap semua khazanah pengetahuan Hindu, mengeksplorasikan, dan mensosialisasikan pengetahuan Hindu sehingga dapat berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan sumber daya Hindu</p> <p>Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi, berfokus pada bidang : 1) Teologi; 2) Studi Agama; 3) Sastra Agama; dan 4) Ilmu Budaya.</p>Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasaren-USSphatika: Jurnal Teologi1978-7014Pementasan Calonarang Gabos di Desa Bongkasa
<p><em>Calonarang Gabos is one of the performing arts which is staged at the Piodalan ceremony at Griya Sakti Manuaba Temple, Bongkasa Village as a medium of transcendental communication between worshipers and those who are worshiped, so Calonarang Gabos is called a sacred art that is full of sacred, tenget, religious and magical values to neutralize negative power. The Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram trilogy becomes a harmonious whole in the Calonarang Gabos performance, so that it is able to achieve a balance between sekala and niskala. </em></p> <p><em>This research uses Religious theory, Aesthetic theory, and Structural Semiotics theory to discuss the overall problem formulation in this study. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method that emphasizes extracting information in the field by observation and describing it in narrative form that emphasizes theological, aesthetic values and the implications arising from the staging of Gabos Calonarang on the community in Bongkasa Village.</em></p> <p><em>The religiosity of the Calonarang Gabos performance is reflected in the religious emotions that are still very strong in the Bongkasa Village community which is able to become the basic foundation for the staging process to take place. Apart from the religious emotions, the Calonarang Gabos performance is also supported by a strong belief system in the power of Ida Bhatari Dalem, which is supported by the ritual system and the surrounding community, who are still consistent in maintaining the preservation of the arts through staging events. The Hindu aesthetic values contained in the Calonarang Gabos performance are Satyam, Sivam, and Sundaram. As well as the meanings contained in the Calonarang Gabos performance are theological meanings, social meanings, educational meanings, and balance meanings.</em></p>Ni Luh Ratna SariNi Nyoman PerniI Made Adi Brahman
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-311511810.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3652Fenomena Membeli Tirtha pada Upacara Ngaben di Bali
<p><em>The phenomenon of buying tirthas at cremation ceremonies in the Tabanan Regency area is deemed necessary to carry out research, considering that among the community there are pros and cons and even complaints because it is seen as something burdensome. Through this research, it is hoped that we will find the reasons that cause the phenomenon of buying tirtha at the cremation ceremony. The approach used in this research is a phenomenological approach. The data collected comes from primary data and secondary data. Data was collected using techniques: observation, interviews, and document study. Next, it is analyzed using qualitative descriptive and interpretative methods, then the final stage is presenting the research results. The research results show that the reasons for the phenomenon of "buying tirtha" at the cremation ceremony are: (1) the material aspects of making Tirtha Pangentas are difficult to obtain, (2) the authority and legality of the process of making Tirtha Pangentas only rests with Sulinggih/Siwa, (3). Tirtha Pangentas contains meaning as a means of freeing the spirit from worldly attachments and a guide to the spirit's journey to heaven according to its karma, (4) for practical and economic reasons, and (5) because of differences in perception in interpersonal communication.</em></p>I Made GirinataI Putu Agus Aryatnaya Giri Settings I Komang Dian Adi Purwadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-3115192010.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3553Membangun Kesadaran Pelestarian Air
<p><em>Water is an important subject in Hinduism, including in Bali. The Bhagawad Gītā, Mānava Dharmaśāstra, and a number of manuscripts in Bali teach water conservation. However, there is currently water pollution in lakes, rivers, and the sea. This is a cause for concern, because Bali has been famous for its natural beauty and sustainability. The main cause of pollution is human activity, such as garbage and waste disposal, which affects water quality. This is contrary to Hinduism, which teaches the preservation of nature, including water. Before the pollution gets worse, it is necessary to build awareness of water conservation. The government and traditional villages have issued various regulations. This needs to be implemented by the community for the sustainability of the environment, especially the quality and quantity of water in Bali. The method used in this paper is qualitative with literature review. Several research results on water in Bali were collected and then analyzed. The author also took information from mass media and books. The results from this article reveal that the reality of pollution in several lakes in Bali contradicts Hindu teachings, which emphasize the importance of water conservation. This scientific article is expected to inspire all interested parties to jointly preserve water for nature and human life.</em></p>I Nyoman Surpa AdisastraBagus Ade Tegar Prabawa
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-31151213310.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3151Gamelan Bali dalam Konstelasi Estetika
<p><em>Substantially, creativity cannot be separated from the elements of reason and the elements of human taste. Various arts and traditions that were born from human creativity eventually became the salience from each region of their maker. Gamelan is one of the many traditional Indonesian riches that was born from various considerations of thought, idea, notion, taste, and creativity of humans. Gamelan is a group of musical instruments with different beat patterns that are used in playing songs / ending. The emergence of the gamelan began when Hindu-Buddhist culture started to dominate the archipelago. There are several types of gamelan including Javanese gamelan, Sundanese gamelan, Banjar gamelan, Minang gamelan, and Balinese gamelan. All types of gamelan have their own uniqueness according to the area where it is developed.</em></p> <p><em>Gamelan is not only used as a musical accompaniment in traditional arts but is also used in various religious rituals. In Bali, almost all religious activities, especially in Hindu religious ceremonies, always use gamelan accompaniment. Balinese gamelan is one of the elements of the five voices (panca suara) that are always present in every yajna ceremony in Bali. These five voices cannot be separated from the Hindu aesthetic concept where each sound produced has a philosophical meaning. Balinese gamelan that is present in various Hindu rituals in Bali is not only for entertainment but also has a magical value that can vibrate the atmosphere. This article will discuss the philosophy of Balinese gamelan in aesthetic constellations.</em></p>Anggy Paramitha Sari
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-31151344610.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3153Representasi Ekologis dalam Kakawin Sangutangis
<p><em>Representation is a way to describe something that someone has seen or experienced. The ecological representation contained in Kakawin Sangutangis includes images of nature which will be depicted through direct depictions of nature itself and wrapped in linguistic style (in kakawin it is called alaṃkara). However, in this research the meaning of ecological representation in Kakawin Sangutangis will be investigated. The aim of this research is to find out the meaning stored behind the ecological representations in KST. So that the general public can understand the meaning of KST. This research is classified as qualitative research with a literary ecology approach assisted by Michael Riffaterre's semiotic theory. Meanwhile, the research methods and techniques that will be used in this research are divided into three parts, namely (1) data collection methods and techniques using library study methods assisted by script transfer, language transfer and note-taking techniques; (2) data analysis methods and techniques that use content analysis methods assisted by analytical descriptive techniques; (3) methods and techniques for presenting data analysis results using formal methods. The results of this research will reveal the meaning stored behind the ecological representations in KST. The meanings found include the meaning of nature conservation and the meaning of self-control. The findings of this research will be useful for motivation in everyday life.</em></p>Putu Diah SavitriI Nyoman SuarkaNi Ketut Ratna Erawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-31151475910.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3532Peran Perempuan dalam Lingkungan Alam pada Komik Luh Ayu Manik Mas
<p>This research discusses seven series in the comic entitled Luh Ayu Manik Mas, namely Komik Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 1 (Tresna Ring Alas), Komik Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 2 (Ngae Mobile Library), Komik Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 3 (Environmental Hero ), Comic Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 4 (Fighting Plastic Luu), Comic Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 5 (Local Mamula Woh-Wohan), Comic Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 6 (Ngalahang Legu Poleng), and Comic Luh Ayu Manik Mas Series 7 (Ngrejek Village Virus Monster). This research aims to determine the structure and explain the role of women in the Luh Ayu Manik Mas Comic Series one to seven. This research uses structural theory, ecofeminist theory and feminist theory. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. The methods and techniques used in this research are the listening method with reading techniques and note-taking techniques. Next, data analysis uses qualitative methods assisted by analytical descriptive techniques. The stage of presenting the results of data analysis using a formal presentation method assisted by deductive techniques.</p> <p>The narrative structure that builds the story from the comic is incident, plot, character, setting, theme and message. The plot/plot uses a forward or progressive plot. The theme used is women's struggle to save the environment. One of the messages to be conveyed is to always preserve the environment. Furthermore, the role of women in the comic, namely Komik Luh Ayu Manik Mas, is the movement to care for the environment, the movement to preserve the environment, the movement to save the environment with the supernatural power of Luh Ayu Manik Mas, and the movement to keep the</p>Ni Made Candra DewiI Ketut Ngurah SulibraNyoman Duana Sutika
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-05-292024-05-29151607010.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3541 Agama dan Filsafat
<p><em>In essence, every human being must have the desire to know the truth about the existence of God, but to show this evidence is not easy, because it is abstract. Even though they want to express their experiences while seeking God, but it was still very difficult for him to express God in words. Due to different concepts of divinity this creates many ideas about the figure of God. God is the universe itself and has an abstract nature. To understand the abstract we need to understand the essence of God through understanding the nature of the birth of the self. In philosophy, especially religious philosophy, it has taught and introduced God to humans through the logic of critical thinking, then the truth that is found is in accordance with what is written in religious books, which in the end can increase their trust and confidence in the Creator. Through this research, we will emphasize philosophy as the basis for an in-depth study of the existence of God in this life. </em></p>Gede Bagus Wira Diputra
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-31151717910.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3110Eksistensi Tari Pendet Lanang dalam Piodalan di Pura Puseh, Dusun Bajing, Desa Tegak, Klungkung
<p><em>The Pendet Lanang dance in Bajing Hamlet, Klungkung is a guardian dance or sacred dance which is part of religious ceremonies, especially in the piodalan at the Puseh temple in Bajing Hamlet, Klungkung which is held at the rahina Buddha Wage Klawu. The Pendet Lanang dance is danced in groups consisting of five adult men as dancers. The tools used by the dancers are a bowl which contains a pair of canang sari which means to invoke the strength of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi and its manifestations and a pair of incense which is symbolized as the God Agni which means as a witness and intermediary to connect people with Ida Sang Hyang Widhi. The uniqueness of the Pendet Lanang Dance is that this dance is only performed during piodalan at Puseh Temple, the dancers must be adult men who are members of the Puseh temple community in Bajing Hamlet who have gone through a purification process, one of the dancers must be a pinandita lanang from Puseh Temple. The aim of this research is to determine the existence of the Pendet Lanang dance in the piodalan at Puseh Temple, Bajing Hamlet, Tegak Village, Klungkung. This research data collection used unstructured observation techniques, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies. It is known that the Pendet Lanang dance is part of the implementation of Piodalan at Puseh Temple and is symbolic of welcoming the descent of the Gods during the Piodalan and is a form of offering before Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in the form of sacred performance art. </em></p>I Gde SuryawanNi Nengah ApriliaNi Luh Gede Mega Yanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-31151809310.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3559Implementasi Konsep Tri Hita Karana dalam Upaya Penguatan Nilai Gotong Royong oleh Sekha Teruna-Teruni Mekar Sari Desa Pakraman Apit Yeh, Desa Bangli, Kecamatan Baturiti, Tabanan
<p><em>Tri Hita Karana is the concept of balance between humans and God, humans and each other, and humans and the environment. This concept is not about subjugating nature and each other, but rather becomes a harmonization between humans, who are called Bhuana Alit, and the universe, which is called Bhuana Agung. This concept of balance will lead to happiness or prosperity. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, using data collection techniques such as: observation, interviews, literature and documentation. The research entitled Implementation of the Tri Hita Karana Concept in Efforts to Strengthen Mutual Cooperation Values in Sekha Teruna-Teruni Mekar Sari, Pakraman Apit Yeh Village, Bangli Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan, shows the efforts made by Sekha Teruna-Teruni Mekar Sari to strengthen the values mutual cooperation in every activity or work program carried out based on the Tri Hita Karana Concept. In the field of Prahyangan, efforts to strengthen the value of mutual cooperation are implemented through ngayah activities. In the Pawongan sector, to foster a sense of mutual cooperation, togetherness, building good interactions between Sekha Teruna-Teruni members is implemented through joy and sorrow programs and regular meetings. Lastly, in the Pabelasan sector, to foster a sense of unity, helping is carried out through routine community service activities every 2 weeks. Every activity from all elements of Tri Hita Karana is attempted to construct or stimulate the value of mutual cooperation.</em></p>Kadek Dwi Sentana Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 Sphatika: Jurnal Teologi
2024-03-312024-03-311519410810.25078/sphatika.v15i1.3150Mitos Basma Rah di Desa Adat Taman Pohmanis
<p><em>This research on the "Basma Rah Myth in the Taman Pohmanis Traditional Village: Study of Structure, Function and Value" aims to describe the structure contained in the Basma Rah Myth, analyze the functions contained therein, and analyze the Basma Rah Myth in terms of literary value. The theory used in this research is structural theory which is Nurgiantoro's opinion. Function theory which is a combination of the opinions of Wallek and Warren, William R. Bascom, and Sibarani, and the value theory according to Atmaja.</em></p> <p><em>The methods and techniques used are divided into three stages, namely (1) the stage of providing data using the listening method with observation and interview techniques, recording techniques and note-taking techniques, as well as the proficient method with basic fishing techniques and advanced proficient techniques, (2) the data analysis phase using qualitative methods assisted by analytical descriptive techniques, (3) the data analysis results stage uses informal methods supported by deductive techniques.</em></p> <p><em>The structure that builds in this research is a narrative structure. The incident began with I Gede Macaling issuing a bisama or promise to look for prey. The groove used is a straight groove. The main character in the Basma Rah Myth is I Gede Macaling. The setting used is generally a place in the residential area. The legend of Bukit Putung has a magical and religious theme, and has a mandate not to say words that will cause other people to suffer disaster.</em></p> <p><em>The aesthetic function contained in the Basma Rah Myth is the result of interviews with legends using Balinese, which is the mother tongue of the Balinese people. The pragmatic function of the Basma Rah Myth is as a source of knowledge and confirmation of one's superiority. The ethical function of the Basma Rah Myth is related to the ethics and norms that apply and are applied to community life. The historical function of the Basma Rah Myth is as an antidote to the danger issued by I Gede Macaling when he visited the village. The position of the Basma Rah Myth in literary value is as a form of gratitude and respect for the ancestors who have protected them. Caru and butuan pigs are used in ceremonies aimed at bringing bhuta kala and dengen to life.</em></p>Ni Luh Made Candra Kristina YantiI Ketut Ngurah SulibraTjok Istri Agung Mulyawathi R
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