Shavasana: Harmoni dan Penyembuhan Penyakit Tubuh dan Pikiran


  • I Made Adi Surya Pradnya Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri



Present era, people are faced with competition of various aspects, resulting in a culture of high tension. The tension
that occurs causes the anatomy of the body is disturbed, even the damage that causes the balance of the body and
mind problems. This disharmony becomes a common illness, stress, a psychosomatic disorder that can only be
healed through inward healing or relaxation. Yoga is one method to overcome the problem and restore harmony
between body and mind, so it can be felt directly on health. Asana is part of yoga. Asana has many postures. For
deep relaxation can be done with shavasana. Through the shavasana the body and mind enter into relaxation and
release the tension from the whole anatomy of the body. Similarly, shavasana can cure stress because replacing
the negative emotional sediment in the self into a positive emotion. Stress occurs when a person can not solve the
problem that comes due to the difference between the desire with reality. Therefore, shavasana through proper
relaxation and breathing and done at the right time, psychosomatic illness can be cured.





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