Peranan Vâda Vidyâ dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi(Perspektif Filsafat Hindu)


  • I Gede Suwantana Fakultas Brahma Widya IHDN Denpasar



Vâda-Vidyâ, quality, education, Nyaya Sutra


This article describes the role of Vâda-Vidyâ for students at universities to improve the quality of education, which is still considered to be very low in Indonesia. Vâda-Vidyâ is the science of discussion contained in the Nyaya Sutra for the sake of seeking the right knowledge. Vâda-Vidyâ displays various theories that metaphysical-ontologically provide an overview of the sixteen categories (padartha), namely the things that must be mastered in order to achieve liberation through a true knowledge. Efforts to reach the right knowledge in epistemic described through four pramana, namely pratyaksha, anumana, upamana and sabdha. From the fourth pramana, pratyaksha is the most important, where three others depend. With a qualitative descriptive method, this article attempts to enter all the problems faced by Indonesian students by Kemendikbud through analysis of epistemology of Vâda-Vidyâ. In principle, if Vâda-Vidyâ can be correctly understood and actualized into learning activities, the quality of education in Indonesia will be improved.


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