Meningkatkan Mutu Umat Melalui Pemahaman yang Benar Terhadap Simbol Acintya (Perspektif Siwa Siddhanta)


  • I Gusti Made Widya Sena Fakultas Brahma Widya IHDN Denpasar



Theology, Acintya, Siwa Siddhanta & Siwa Nataraja


God is very difficult to understand with eyes. In order to know God, His nature, and His personification, use of various symbols can be helpful, which suggests the unification of two elements, namely the physical and spiritual ones. Acintya is the symbol or manifestation of God 's Omnipotence. It is the “unimaginable†that turns to be the “imaginable" through potraits, reliefs, or statues. All of these symbols are manifestation of the Acintya that takes the form of the dance of Shiva Nataraja, as the depiction of the Omnipotence of God, to bring in the actual symbol of the "Unthinkable " that have a meaning that people are in a situation where emotions religinya very close with God.


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