Maintaining harmony in differences is not an easy thing, a number of vulnerable problems can cause disharmony between religious communities. Especially in an area consisting of various ethnicities, religions and cultures, such as the people of Catur Village which consists of two ethnicities and religions, namely Confucianism and Balinese Hinduism. This problem is explained using qualitative research by collecting data through observation, documentation and interviews. The theory used is Structural Functional. From the research carried out, it can be explained as follows: (1) The Divine Aspect, Confucian people in Catur Village feel that the religious teachings they adhere to, especially relating to the divine aspect, are not much different from the teachings of Hindus in interpreting their God.(2) Aspects of Human Purification, Confucians and Hindus in Catur Village have similar perceptions regarding aspects of human purification. It's just that the form of ceremony used looks slightly different but has the same essence.(3) Aspect of Glorifying Nature, Tian is the creator and part of the universe, glorifying Tian as Almighty God can be done by glorifying nature.(4)Aspects of Glorifying the Spirit, Confucians and Balinese Hindus have the same view in treating the dead. Traditional Confucian thought pays very deep attention to the existence of spirits.
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