Cases with SARA nuances in Indonesia, have the effect of not being free for adherents of religions to worship according to their respective beliefs. The case that occurred was triggered by a misunderstanding in interpreting the main teachings of religion. The emergence of religious extremist groups that actually have the potential to damage national unity has urged the government to take concrete steps regarding religious moderation. The basic principles of religious moderation, namely balance and justice, are offered as a solution to this problem. The internalization of religious moderation is expected to foster religious adherents to be tolerant and socially harmonious. This program is important, because intolerance correlates with the inability of Human Resources to think, which results in threatening welfare, amidst the onslaught of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. For this reason, internalization of religious moderation is examined in relation to improving the quality of Hindu human resources. This research uses qualitative methods, with the type of literature research. Presented research results namely; religious moderation from a Hindu perspective, strategies to strengthen religious moderation and improve thinking skills for creative and tolerant Hindu human resources.
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