INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HINDU CULTURE <p>International Journal of Hindu Culture (pISSN: ____ and eISSN: _____) published by Hindu State University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar. International Journal of Hindu Culture, particularly focuses on the Hindu Science and Religious Studies areas as follows: 1) Hindu Theology, 2) Hindu Philoshophy, 3) Hindu Health Culture, 4) Yoga, 5) Hindu Language Culture, 6) Hindu Art Culture, and 7) Hindu Artasastra. International Journal of Hindu Culture is indexed by: ­­­____</p> en-US INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HINDU CULTURE CULTURAL LITERACY THROUGH DOCUMENTARY FILM: THE BRAHMAN CEREMONY AS A MEDIUM FOR CULTURAL INHERITANCE <p>Film can reflect the civilization of a country or nation. Through film works, one can clearly see the series of history, culture, philosophy, phenomena, and even social upheavals that have occurred from one era to another. Films, especially documentary films, also serve as powerful media for preserving cultural existence. The role of film in this era of globalization becomes an interesting study to present entertainment that can also serve as guidance for society. Especially considering the current situation of society living amidst the currents of global culture, which undoubtedly threatens the cultural heritage. The purpose of this research is to analyze the values of cultural literacy and the usefulness of the documentary film "Brahman Ceremony" as a medium for inheriting traditions. This research is qualitative descriptive research using observation and interview data collection methods. The results obtained through the documentary film titled "Brahman Ceremony" can serve as a means of socialization and education related to cultural literacy for the younger generation and the general public. The narrative in this documentary film provides an understanding of the process or ceremony of death packaged in a funeral ceremony for those who have become sulinggih, holy people, or priests in the Hindu belief. This process is interpreted as a tribute to the holy and unites them with Brahman. Cultural literacy can be seen from the explanations of religious and cultural anthropologists, sociologists of religion, and academics who provide an understanding of the organization of the ngaben ceremony or funeral rites. This film also contains cultural literacy in recorded history narrated well, especially related to the history of Sanur, the journey of Sanur's development into a famous tourist village known internationally. This journey is inseparable from the role of a figure named Ida Bagus Tjethana Putra or known as Ida Pedanda Gede Dwija Ngenjung.</p> I Nyoman Payuyasa I Made Denny Chrisna Putra Ida Bagus Hari Kayana Putra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 01 1 11 HUMAN LITERACY IN TANTRI: PEREMPUAN YANG BERCERITA AS A CHARACTER EDUCATION MEDIA <p>Balinese society considers ancestral narratives as an inevitability. Ancestral narratives, adapted into various forms such as traditions, rituals, songs, performances, dances, and even classical or modern literary works, always hold a place of significance and attention among the people. One of the well-known traditional ancestral narratives is the story of Tantri. This Tantri narrative has inspired artists, writers, and cultural scholars to present more modern works. One of them is the literary work titled "Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita." The aim of this study is to analyze the value of human literacy in the literary work " Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita." The method used is qualitative descriptive method. In the narrative of this novel, the values of human existence or human literacy are prominent. One of them is the significant role of women in maintaining civilization. The important role of women, depicted in the character of Tantri, who can overcome all the evil desires of a Prabu Eswaryadala with her words and language. This story also builds an understanding of human literacy contextualized with the present era, where women have equality and can strive for justice based on their knowledge and life skills. Values of character education, leadership, wise attitude towards changes and developments in technology and the digital world also become important values in the narrative of Tantri.</p> Ni Nyoman Ayu Suciartini I Nyoman Subrata Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 12 26 SHAKTA CENTRE IN TRIPURA: A RELOOKING RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF INDIA <p>This paper explores the religious history and cultural significance of Shakta worship in Tripura, India, with a focus on the period from the 8th to the 15th centuries CE. Tripura, rich in natural resources and diverse in its tribal population, has been a significant center for the worship of female deities, particularly under the Shakta tradition. The state's association with the goddess Tripurasundari and other female divinities highlights the blend of Aryan and non-Aryan religious practices, which evolved into a unique form of Tantricism. This study delves into the genesis of Shakta worship in India, tracing its roots from Vedic literature to its proliferation in Tripura. The analysis includes detailed examinations of various goddess figures such as Sarvani, Durga, Mahishasuramardini, and Kali, along with their iconographic features and archaeological findings. The evidence from inscriptions, temple architecture, and recovered images underscores the profound impact of Shakta worship on the region's religious landscape. The paper concludes by highlighting the continued relevance and evolution of Shakta practices in Tripura, reflecting the enduring legacy of these ancient traditions</p> Projit Kumar Palit Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 01 27 37 ‘DHARMA IN THE SCRIPTURES OF HINDU RELIGION AND BUDDHISM <p>Dharma is a treasure house of different philosophical &amp; religious sects. Following different faiths, the Indians have been living together with Dharma for around three thousand years. Though there were philosophical dissentions &amp; religious conflicts, these seldom escalated into a large scale pogroms or massacres of innocent lives. The paper is a modest endeavour to highlight those foundations, which have always established Dharma among various philosophical and religious sects.</p> Ven. Wangiyakubure Sumedha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 38 43 MYTHOLOGY IN INCREASING DEMOGRAPHIC BONUS GOLDEN GENERATION 2045 IN BALI <p>Indonesia reached its peak 100 years ago, which is in 2045. Supporting a developed country is a demographic bonus for the younger generation in 2030. Indonesia is expected to have quality human resources, making it a developed country with a productive golden generation. Compared to other countries, such as Japan and Germany, which are experiencing a population crisis, this affects the country's stability, which involves economic strength, politics, and national resilience.</p> <p>One of the causes of the demographic bonus is that Indonesian culture has oral and written mythologies that provide messages and meanings for the community, namely the folk tales of Men Brayut and Jaratkaru, which are very popular in Bali. This mythology teaches the importance of marriage and having offspring to maintain the country's stability, economy, and family.</p> <p>Men Brayut is a mother who has 18 children. She was initially a yaksa, but she became a mother who loved her children very much after getting the gift. This illustrates that a Balinese woman is productive and fertile, so it is expected that Balinese women become mothers who give birth to many children, at least four named people (Wayan, Made, Nyoman, and Ketut). Jaratkaru was an ascetic; after gaining magic, Jaratkaru saw that his parents were in hell because Jaratkaru did not marry. Therefore, Jaratkaru apologized, married, and freed his parents from hell. This mythology teaches the young generation of Bali that after adulthood, they must marry and have offspring to continue the traditions of Balinese customs and culture.</p> I Made Adi Surya Pradnya Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 44 55 CLASSICAL PHILOSOPHY CRITICAL RETHINKING OF SAMKYA DARSANA DOCTRINE OF IDEA-SELF: <p>The idea of a univocal property of Theory of self is clearly found in classical Sanskrit sources; instead, a common Theory of self strategy was to clarify the ontological nature of the self or world in such a way that Theory of self implicationspfBudhism naturally flow from the adjustment in our thinking. This article gives a syideaptic reading of sources that treat features of Theory of self—dispositions, agents, causal systems of effect, and even values themselves—as emergent pheideamena grounded in complex, shifting, porous configurations. One conclusion of this was that what Theory of self entails varies according to the scope and context of our concern. Firstly, we examine how darsana¯ fashions a utilitarianism that assumes idea universal intrinsically valuable goal or Theory of self, but aims only to sustain the world as a prerequisite for choice. Recognising that this pushes problems of identifying the Theory of self onto the individual; secondly, we look at accounts of malleable personhood in the Purana Idea¯ of the Itihasa. Finally, the aesthetic theory of the Purana hints at a context-constituted conception of value itself, reminding us that evaluative emotions are themselves complex, curate-able, and can expand beyond egoism to encompass interpersonal concerns. Together these sources show aspects of an Theory of self worldview for which each case is a nexus in a larger Theory of self fabric. Each tries to pry us away from our most personal concerns, so we can reach beyond the ego to do what is of value for a wider province of which we are a part.</p> Pahala Eraula Kolitha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 56 67 GOD'S DISCOURSE IN SAMKYA DARSANA: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS THE AJI SAMKYA TEXT IN BALI <p>This research aims to conduct a comparative study on the discourse of God in Samkya Darsana and the Aji Samkya text in Bali. Samkya Darsana is one of the six philosophical systems of Hinduism that explores the understanding of the cosmos and human beings. The Aji Samkya text is an ancient manuscript containing Samkya teachings in Bali. In this research, we analyze the views on God expressed in both sources. We employ a comparative approach to highlight the similarities and differences between Samkya Darsana and Aji Samkya in the context of the conception of God. The findings of this research provide a deeper understanding of the Samkya perspective on God and how this perspective is reflected in the cultural context of Bali. This study can contribute to our understanding of the plurality of philosophies and beliefs within the Hindu tradition.</p> Jro Ayu Ningrat I Nyoman Mandiasa Pande Putu Toya Wisuda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 68 82 SAMADHI PADA IN THE SUTRAS OF PATANJALI THE INFLUENCE OF SAMYAMA ON THE QUALITY OF THE HUMAN MIND <p>Yoga teachings No regardless from texts ancient as handle and base in do yoga. One of very text important is the Yoga Sutra compiled by Maharsi Patanjali. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras as composed text of 196 sutras and also 4 On as supporting and basic a inner yoga practitioner operate his sadhana . Patanjali's Yoga Sutras provide demands in a way gradually What just have to performed by a yogi or inner yogini do Yoga. All started from discipline and concentration , letting go all attachment and control wild thoughts . 51 Sutras provide understanding deep about thought That Alone . How to control it and also the aspects that influence it thought . All writer summarize in A discussion . Every the silk each other bound One form each other A pattern . In Journal This writer review about Samadhi Pada and its influence on the mind . Experience about thoughts and everything matter enter in realm of samadhi on and giving bright path for We all . Thought Alone experience different circumstances in circumstances written meditation direct in Samadhi Pada.</p> I Made Wika Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 83 92 THE VEDIC LEARNING TRADITION IN THE NUSANTARA AND ITS RELEVANCE TO THIS DAY <p>Study This review about tradition Vedic learning spread across the archipelago and its relevance until day This . Tradition This covers practice teaching - centered learning ancient India, especially the Vedas, which have adopted and adapted with context culture local in the Indonesian archipelago. Method research used covers studies literature, interviews with experts , as well observation direct to practices still traditional endure . Research result show that tradition Vedic learning in the archipelago has deep roots in history culture and religion local. Practices This covers reading, interpretation, and practice texts sacred Vedas, as well teaching direct from teacher to student. In many community, tradition This guarded with carefully and preserved as part important from inheritance culture. Relevance tradition Vedic learning up to day This can seen from a number of aspect. First, values ethics , spirituality , and philosophy contained in Vedic teachings remain relevant in guide life and values modern society . Second , practices meditation , yoga, and originating worship from Vedic teachings have recognized benefits in a way wide for well-being physical and mental. Third, as part from inheritance culture , tradition Vedic learning provides identity and pride for the community that inherits and practices it . Although Thus, tradition Vedic learning in the archipelago is also facing problems challenge . Globalization , modernization and change social has threaten continuity practices This. However , efforts preservation and revitalization currently carried out by various party For guard continuity tradition this is in the middle dynamics of the times. In context formal education, tradition Vedic learning also provides inspiration for development curriculum religious education or an inclusive and based philosophy universal values. With Thus, research This give contribution in understanding about inheritance Rich culture and relevance values ancient in modern-day context</p> Si Luh Nyoman Seriadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 01 93 103