Menghadapi Zaman Millennial Melalui Jero Dasaran Dalam Menanamkan Pendidikan Karakter Di Desa Songan A dan B, Kintamani, Bangli


  • Gede Rai Parsua UHN IGB Sugriwa Denpasar


Kata Kunci:

Millennial, Jero Dasaran, Character Education


In this millennial era, technology is growing rapidly. Gadgets and the internet
also seem to have become the daily habits of the millennial generation. The current
millennial generation is filled with teenagers, adults who now act as children, school
students, university students. Jero Dasaran is determined or appointed by means of
Ngerawang or generally outside the village of Songan is called nyanjan, which aims
to serve or to ngayah in one of the temples that are the sungsungan for the Songan
community, for example in the Village Temple, Hulundanu Temple and others.
The formulation of the problem proposed is; What is the role of Jero Dasaran
in instilling character education to face the millennial era in Songan A and B
Villages, Kintamani, Bangli ? What is the meaning of Jero Dasaran in instilling
character education to face the millennial era in Songan A and B Villages,
Kintamani, Bangli ? What are the implications of Jero Dasaran in instilling character
education to face the millennial era in Songan A and B Villages, Kintamani, Bangli ?
Data collection methods used : moderate participatory observation, unstructured or
in-depth interviews, literature, documentation. The data analysis used were : data
grouping, data reduction, data transformation, checking the validity of the findings,
data presentation, conclusion and verification.
The role of Jero Dasaran in Songan is as a young generation, as the
successor because there are so many Jero Dasaran and most of them are still
teenagers. The role of Jero Dasaran is very much needed in instilling character
education because every time there is a religious moment, the socio-religious in
Songan always presents Jero Dasaran, automatically Jero Dasaran is an example in
daily life behavior.
The meaning of Jero Dasaran; The meaning of devotion, the meaning of
togetherness, the meaning of ethical education, the meaning of being diligent in
working because being Jero Dasaran must be an example for other millennials,
because some of the Songan community are farmers, as a whole in Songan the
environment is still sustainable, this can be seen that most of the Songan village area
is a garden For agriculture, almost no agricultural land is turned into concrete and it
is very rare for the land of the Songan people to be sold to people outside Songan.
The implications of the formation of Jero Dasaran to face the millennial era in
instilling character education in the villages of Songan A and B, Kintamani, Bangli is
more diligent in praying, interacting more frequently with the community and cannot
be separated from Catur Purusa Arta
Keywords: Millennial, Jero Dasaran, Character Education


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