(Jurnal Pendidikan Agama)2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00I Gusti Ayu Jatiana Manik Journal Systems<p>JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang memiliki misi memperluas kajian bidang pendidikan agama sebagai referensi dalam mewujudkan pendidikan agama yang moderat. Penguatan pendidikan agama penting untuk dioptimalkan, tidak hanya di lingkungan keluarga maupun pendidikan formal saja, tetapi juga melalui kajian-kajian ilmiah hasil penelitian maupun hasil pemikiran yang mengacu pada kaidah-kaidah ilmiah. Tujuannya adalah untuk menjadikan pendidikan agama sebagai landasan dalam mewujudkan masyarakat religius, bermartabat, cerdas, humanis dan berwawasan multukultural.</p> MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CIRC BERBASIS KARAKTER TERHADAP KOMPETENSI PENGETAHUAN AGAMA HINDU SISWA KELAS IV SDN GUGUS PATTIMURA DENPASAR SELATAN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021/20222024-07-22T07:57:16+08:00Ni Nyoman Rai<p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the character-based cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) learning model on the knowledge competence of Hinduism in fourth grade students of SDN Gugus Pattimura, South Denpasar, in the 2021/2022 academic year. This type of research is qualitative research. Qualitative data is usually obtained from subjective interviews because the data is estimated by different people. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This research was conducted at SD Negeri 2 Ketewel, Ketewel Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. Other data sources are people who in qualitative research are called informants. Informants selected by purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations. In this qualitative research, the research instruments used are: tape recorder, open questionnaire, interview guide and descriptive notes. Data collection techniques in this study include observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies</p> <p>Keywords: Cooperative integrated reading and composition, Character, Hindu religious knowledge<br />competence</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-10-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) PENDIDIKAN AGAMA HINDU DALAM AJARAN TRI KAYA PARISUDHA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI YOUTUBE DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 2024-07-22T07:55:01+08:00Ida Bagus Ngurah Yudhi<p>This article was compiled for the use of YouTube as a learning medium for Hindu religious education based on the teachings of Tri Kaya Parisuda in the industrial revolution era. Hindu Religious Education follows the principles of 2013 Curriculum learning, which encourages students to carry out scientific approach-based learning with the idea of personality education. Leads to character education. in this case the learning of Hindu Religious Education is based on the teachings of Tri Kaya Parisuda. The scientific approach was transformed into a learning model centered on student learning and the teacher as a facilitator and motivator. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the millennial generation is expected to be able to answer the challenges of this era, by utilizing social media, namely YouTube as a learning medium for Hindu Religious Education. Because currently the youtube application is in great demand and how to use it is easy, quick to get information, and information can be used and can be accessed by the wider community, videos can be used for a long time, and youtube is expected to help students receive information easily and accurately.</p> <p> </p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) PENDIDIKAN AGAMA HINDU DALAM GEGURITAN KALA TATTWA2024-07-22T07:56:19+08:00I Wayan Janur<p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Geguritan is a Balinese Hindu culture that contains many meanings, noble values and uniqueness in it. The uniqueness contained in geguritan kala tattwa as a literary work includes aspects of tattwa, ethics and leadership. However, many people think that geguritan is only a literary work that is only sung or developed. The problems discussed include the structure of geguritan when tattwa and the value of education in geguritan kala tattwa. This type of research is qualitative research. In this study the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The methods used in this research are literature and interview methods. After collected, it will be analyzed with analysis techniques. The analysis techniques used in this research are steps to reduce, present, and draw conclusions or verify. The results obtained based on research include, (1) The structure of the tattwa geguritan includes themes, characters, settings and messages. The theme of the geguritan is the philosophy of the metatah ceremony, the figures of the geguritan include Lord Shiva, Dewi Uma, Bhatara Indra, Bhatara Wisnu, Bhatara Brahma and Detya. The setting of this geguritan is samurdra and heaven. While the mandate contained in this geguritan is love and morality. (2) The values contained in geguritan kala tattwa include tattwa values, ethical values and literary values.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) DAN PELUANG DALAM MEWUJUDKAN PENDIDIKAN BERKUALITAS BAGI MASYARAKAT DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 MELALUI SCHOOL BRANDING : STUDI KASUS SEKOLAH SWASTA DI BALI2024-07-22T08:04:04+08:00Niluh Ari<p><em>In the context of education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) is a very serious challenge in realizing quality education. Education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 tends to change very quickly both in the context of technology use, learning methods and social trends. In this case educators must be able to have high adaptability to various changes that occur in the world of education. The emergence of artificial intelligence such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), big data, chatgpt and so on has an impact on learning methods, curriculum, and the need for new skills that must be owned by educators and students. Focusing on the problems currently faced by several schools in Bali, especially private schools, is a very significant decrease in the number of students. Competition with public schools can be a challenge for private schools. Public schools generally have lower fees or are even free, which can entice parents to enroll their children in public schools. This can result in reduced student numbers and revenue for private schools. Improvement of the private school management system in Bali needs to be done so that private schools can continue to exist. To overcome these problems school branding can be a solution in realizing quality education. School branding by utilizing digital technology as a solution, so that private schools can exist and compete again in the world of education.</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) ETIKA DALAM CERITA UDYOGA PARWA2024-07-22T08:11:26+08:00Made Urip<p><em>The aim of writing this article is to interpret the ethical values in the Udyoga Parwa story. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with an interpretive analysis model. This type of research is classified as library research with a humanities study based on a hermeneutical approach. Udyoga Parwa is the fifth series of Asta Daśa Parwa which consists of 10 sub-sections. Etymologically, Udyoga means effort or effort. Udyoga Parwa as a whole tells about the end of the Pāṇḍawa exile and peace efforts to prevent civil war. Talking about peace diplomacy efforts, Udyoga Parwa gave his views regarding the importance of the role of a dūta in carrying out conciliation and the role of a king in building alliances with other kings to anticipate any possibility of war. Descriptions of the theory of peace and diplomacy are also contained in each Udyoga Parwa story which is the inspiration for other śāstra works such as Arthaśāstra or Nītiśāstra. In this case, politics is positioned as an effort to solve problems and resolve conflicts. Politics in the story Udyoga Parwa actually emphasizes Dharma which functions to regulate human life. Even though politics in Hindu philosophy is built to organize the system of life, in fact there are still those who think that politics is dirty and is always synonymous with war or the struggle for power. The philosophy of ethical teachings in the Udyoga Parwa story ultimately also provides a narrative about the accountability of human moral obligations in every aspect of life.</em></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) PEMANFAATAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PADA MATA PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA HINDU DAN BUDI PEKERTI DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS NEGERI 3 MATARAM2024-07-22T08:03:29+08:00Ni Kadek Sintiakadeksintia28@gmail.comI Wayan<p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><em>This research was conducted to analyze the use of learning media in the subjects of Hindu Religious Education and Ethics at SMA Negeri 3 Mataram. Hinduism and Ethics Education is a compulsory subject in the world of education in Indonesia. Through these subjects, students are formed and directed to practice the teachings of Hinduism. However, students often feel bored, sleepy, and difficult to understand the material so that learning activities cannot take place properly and cannot achieve learning goals. The existence of learning media is expected to be a mediator and tool for students and teachers in the learning process so that learning activities can be effective and streamlined and learning objectives can be achieved. However, in several previous studies, the functions and benefits of media in learning could not be fulfilled so that the use of learning media was analyzed by researchers. This research is a qualitative research that uses data collection methods in the form of direct non-participant observation, structured direct interviews, and documentation. In this study, data analysis was carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that the existence of learning media can support learning success. Media makes the learning process more interesting, more effective and efficient, and more interactive, making students enthusiastic and enthusiastic in participating in learning activities and making it easier for students to understand the material being taught. Although the existence of the media has not been able to make students always spirit</em><em>, enthusiastic, focused in the future and actively asking questions. </em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) PEMBENTUKAN BUDAYA TOLERANSI BERAGAMA MELALUI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA HINDU DAN BUDI PEKERTI PADA KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI SEKOLAH PETRA BERKAT2024-07-22T08:11:59+08:00Eko adi saputraAdisaputreko4@gmail.comI Nyoman SubagiaAdisaputreko4@gmail.comI Gede<h1>Abstract</h1> <p>The diversity of Indonesian society is a broad characteristic of the Indonesian nation which is characterized by the fact that there is social unity based on ethnic, religious, customary and regional differences. The diversity that exists in Indonesia should be a cause for the nation to grow closer to accept each other and make it a difference and dispute. On the one hand, religious pluralism is a source of cultural wealth and provides benefits for the Indonesian people because it can be used as a very rich source of inspiration for the democratic process in Indonesia. However, in the diversity of society in terms of religion, this constitutes social vulnerability if the development of religious life is not well organized, several problems often occur in Indonesia, from damage to places of worship, dissolution to murder, this means that special guidance and maturation must be carried out from an early age. from school. Based on this description, the researcher will focus on discussing: What are the Strategy Forms for Forming a Culture of Religious Tolerance Through Hindu Religious Education and Character Education in the Merdeka Curriculum at Petra Berkat School, The results of research using qualitative research methods will show that as follows: strategies for forming a culture of religious tolerance in Hindu religious education and character, there are several strategies such as, Application of tolerance values in Hindu religion, empowerment of the school environment, multiculturalism, Implementation of the Tri sandya, Implementation of fast pasraman, Delivery of Hindu character education material in an inclusive manner and Monitoring and evaluation. Analysis of the strategy for establishing a culture of religious tolerance in the independent curriculum at the Petrathanks school is expected to strengthen the character of Hindu tolerance and also serve as a long-standing proposal for learning Hindu religious education in accordance with the Pancasila learning profile as a hope for student character.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) EKSTERNAL PENGHAMBAT PENCAPAIAN STANDAR KECAKAPAN BAHASA INGGRIS PADA MAHASISWA PARIWISATA BERDASARKAN COMMON ASEAN TOURISM CURRICULUM2024-07-22T08:10:52+08:00Ni Nyoman Yunike<p><em>This study is aimed to investigate external factors that hinder the students' attainment of English proficiency in the Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum. The study was conducted on tourism students in AKN Lombok Barat. The study used a descriptive qualitative method and the data was gained through competency-based assessment and questionnaire for the students in three subdivisions; Hotel Accommodation, Food Beverages, and Hotel Engineering. The findings showed that several factors hinder the students' achievement of English proficiency standards externally. The external factors comprise the unsupportive college cultural factors; the dominant use of the mother tongue; the lack of English facilities in the college, such as an English listening laboratory to support the learning process; the limited learning hours for English subjects: the lecturers have limited interaction in English, especially outside the classroom; the lecturer has limited strategies in their teaching method, especially in practicing English for specific purposes like in tourism</em></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) PENDIDIKAN KRITIS PAULO FREIRE DAN RELEVANSINYA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN HUMANIS DI INDONESIA2024-07-22T08:04:51+08:00Gede Agus<p><em>Education is the main sector in human resource development. So that education becomes an important part of human life. Through education humans can also find identity, hone potential, and improve the quality of life. This is inseparable from human desires that are free and independent in determining what kind of education they need. However, this seems to be a paradox by looking at the educational phenomenon which actually hinders the potential possessed by students with various dehumanization practices. Therefore, this study traces the thoughts of Paulo Freire with the idea of critical education. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a philosophical hermeneutic approach. The results of this study indicate that Paulo Freire is a critical education figure, who succeeded in dismantling the conventional educational model which tends to dehumanize. Conventional education actually views students as passive objects, each empty and must be regulated. Freire calls it the banking of education system. Notes from Freire's thoughts can be used as a reference in developing a humanist education system in Indonesia, namely by prioritizing students as the center of learning and recognizing students have diverse characters and potential. A teacher in humanist education acts as a facilitator by guiding students to be themselves.</em></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) ETIKA PESERTA DIDIK DI ERA MODERNISASI DALAM PANDANGAN AGAMA HINDU2024-07-22T08:12:27+08:00I Made Wirahadi Kusumawirahadikusuma200030@gmail.comKadek Agus<p><strong><em>Ethics is a case study that needs to be discussed and advanced lately by us and all the educated categories. Education that teaches children to grow up develops ethics from an early age to adulthood. However, the age of ethical globalization has been declining in some cases, which must be an increasingly sophisticated ethical education of children undergoing an increase. The decrease in ethics in the context of globalization is as severe as the effects of the modernization of state-of-the-art devices through smart phones, as well as the effect of the lack of supervision from the elderly. Almost all of the big cities are experiencing this, so the moral and ethical aspects of children belonging to them who are still active in school need to be evaluated by the government, schools, and parents concerned. This paper aims to give a general picture of the negative influence of increasingly rigid globalization on the children of the students. In Hinduism, the ethics of all human beings, which encompasses the human being, is embedded in the teachings of the Tri Hita Karana itself. The same is true of the concept of "Tat Twam Asi" or generally called you are me, which implies that the ethics applied not only to ourselves but to others who are around us with the aim of living in harmony, caring for each other, in order to the purpose of life is Moksartam Jagathita Ya Ci Iti Dharma. Through education based on the Hindu concepts above, this writing provides a small piece of guidance in the application of good and right moral and ethical education.</em></strong></p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama) SIKAP MODERASI BERAGAMA DI SMP NEGERI 3 ABIANSEMAL2024-08-06T09:35:33+08:00Ni Putu Jeni Astarijeniastari02@gmail.comI Ketut TanuKetuttanu@gmail.comI Gde<p>Religious moderation is described as an effort to follow and maintain religious principles, turning them into a way of life and character, so that religious moderation can foster an attitude of tolerance and maintain harmony between religious communities. Religious moderation has the potential to grow and develop in the school environment, where education cannot be separated from the teacher's ability to convey learning and information to students. Teachers have an important role in directing and building religious moderation in schools. The formulation of the problem in this research is: 1) Which attitudes of religious moderation can be instilled in students at SMPN 3 Abiansemal, 2) What are the obstacles faced in the process of instilling attitudes of religious moderation in students at SMPN 3 Abiansemal, 3) What is the impact of instilling an Attitude of Religious Moderation in Students at SMPN 3 Abiansemal. The theories used to analyze this problem are constructivism theory, humanistic theory and behavioristic theory. Data collection methods use observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of this research show: 1) an attitude of religious moderation has been given to students starting from the Introduction to the School Environment (MPLS) period. The attitudes of religious moderation that are instilled in students at SMPN 3 Abiansemal refer to the four indicators of religious moderation. Apart from that, teachers also instill attitudes of religious moderation through the application of the Tri Hita Karana teachings in life. 2) There are several inhibiting factors, namely, first there are environmental factors, factors influencing the use of social media, and finally there are students' lack of interest in reading. 3) There are positive and negative impacts from efforts to instill attitudes of religious moderation in students at SMPN 3 Abiansemal.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAPAM (Jurnal Pendidikan Agama)