The The Use of Transition Signals in University Students’ Community Service Report


  • Putri Utami Mahasaraswati Denpasar University
  • Mahendra UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar



transition signals, academic writing


Transition signals are the essential elements to achieve a well-structured text. The
ideas in the text need to connect to each other. It will be difficult for the reader to
understand the sequence if the ideas are simply just exposed by the writer without being
related to each other. Students’ competency and ability in English academic writing
overviewed from their competence in constructing sentences. Therefore, this research
aimed to find out the use of transition signals and their accuracy in students’ community
service report. The research used a descriptive quantitative method. The data were taken
from students’ community service report written by the seventh semester English
literature students of Foreign Languages Study Program of Universitas Mahasaraswati
Denpasar. The finding of this research showed that the total number of transition signals
used by the students in their community service report were 303 and classified into eight
types of transition signals. Transition signals to introduce sequence and logically order
ideas was mostly used and transition signals to emphasize ideas was least used by the
students. From the whole types of transition signals, the average usage accuracy was
above 60%.
Keywords: t



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