The The Influence of Role Play Method by Hand Puppet Media in Speaking Class of Santo Rafael Kindergarten’s Students


  • Ridayanti STIKES Buleleng
  • Devy Marleni STIKES Buleleng
  • Ari Ratnadi STIKES Buleleng



role play, hand puppet, speaking


play gave a significant effect to the students’ speaking competency. Hand puppets
are dolls that are used as media or tools used in learning activities. Types of puppets that
are usually used are hand puppets made of pieces of cloth. Methods: The research design
used a pre-experimental design with a one group pre-posttest design. The populations
used in this study were children in B group class in Santo Rafael Singaraja. The speaking
measurement used an observation sheet in which it guided by a task. The sample size
used is 30 respondents who have been selected using a total sampling technique. This
study used parametric statistics using Paired Sample T-test with a significant level of α =
0.05. Results: The results showed that the pre-test mean was 56.00, and the post-test mean
was 68.33. The results of parametric statistical tests using the Paired Sample T-test
showed pre and post results (0.000) <α (0.05), which means that H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted. Conclusion: This shows that there is an influence of the role-play method by
hand puppet media in speaking class of Santo Rafael Kindergarten Students.



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