Students’ Syntax Error in Making English Conversation: An Error Analysis Study


  • Ida Bagus Gde Nova Winarta Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • I Wayan Eka Dian Rahmanu Politeknik Negeri Bali



errors, syntax, English Conversation


This Research entitled “Students’ Syntax Error in Making English Conversation, An
Error Analysis Study. Basically, it is commonly found that English structure was difficult
learned by Indonesian native elementary students. This study was focused on the
exploration of foreign language errors and mistakes uttered by younger students. The
research method applied in this research consists of approach research, kind and data
source, method, and technique of collecting data, method, and technique of analyzing data,
and method and technique of presenting the data analysis. A qualitative approach was
used in this research and the data source was done by the researcher toward Elementary
School 5th Grade Students. The method used in collecting data was by using the
observation method and interview method. Then, the result of the analysis was presented
by using formal and informal methods. The discussion of the problems was preceded by
errors in syntax, such as errors in the scope of clause and phrase, the omission of article and
preposition, the omission of the copula be, and error in using to (infinitive). From the result
and discussion, it could be concluded that the researcher found some errors in using
English done by the Elementary School 5th Grade Students, related to syntax. The writer
was aware that this research has some limitations or shortages so it is hoped that this
research could be continued in order to get a better result for the society in general.



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