Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Autonomous Learners in the 21st Century


  • Nuraeni Universitas Ibn Khaldun
  • Ajeng Anggraini Universitas Ibn Khaldun



autonomous learners, pre-service teacher, 21st century, perception


This study aims to investigate pre-service teachers’ perceptions of autonomous
learners in the 21st century. By using the quantitative method in this study, the researcher
distributed the questionnaire to 13 pre-service teachers in the 5th semester English
education program at Ibn Khaldun University. There are 5 questions in the questionnaire
related to this study. It intends to explore information related to how much pre-service
teachers understand and what their perception of autonomous learners in the 21st century.
The researcher distributed questionnaires to all participants through WhatsApp broadcast
and all participants got the Google form link to answer all of the questions. Responses from
participants regarding autonomous learners are processed by the researcher. Is that the
results obtained that participants understand the concept of autonomous learners but the
lack of application of autonomous learners in teaching and learning activities. The
researchers in this study suggest that in the 21st century requires a deep understanding of
autonomous learners by pre-service teachers to prepare the teaching-learning process in
the class by using autonomous learners.



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